15 | The Last Rail, Scene Fifteen

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1:15 pm. Actor's in place.

The curtain raises.

'Lights, camera, action,' Donatel announced.

9:40 p.m., time posed.

Connie says, 'We used to have a wonderful peddler who railed the hills. His pots and pans made crazy sounds. He sold elixirs for headaches, stomach problems, and whiskey for who wanted it. I always bought soaps from him. He preached, praised, and gossiping how the world was in a mood. He says, sometimes it rains too much, that it floods everything. It snows. It always storms when the company decides to visit. And the snow, beautiful and dangerous,  it causes stir-fry in the house. Saying that some like it hot, and some don't.'

Troy speaks, 'One day, I chased him away like a gobbler with a broomstick. He practically flew out of the yard.'

They pulled into a cottage home roadway.

Troy announced, 'We are here.'

Connie says, 'Home sweet home. We are having Duck Ala 'Orange, Harriet Lawrence is cooking. Troy, you can introduce Uncle Peter to Zipper.'

Peter says, 'I grew up in a flower pasture and rambled through the neighborhood, carrying my fishing pole.'

Troy says politely, 'Mom calls me little Jack Gibson.'

Peter asks, 'What else, Jack Gibson?'

Troy shrugs his shoulders, 'My father is sleeping by the Canberra Bridge.'

'That's a wrap,' Donatel announced.

The curtain falls.

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