-{ Wake Up }-

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-[Water Tribe, South Pole]-

The lives of the two brothers, now 16 and 14, got worse after the cavern incident. Their training was a lot crueler, as one of the two brothers often came close to death. They weren't even allowed to leave their home anymore, not unless their father went with them. Over all the two were treated more like animals or weapons than children, but one day something happened.

After training, when they were exhausted, and their arms were tied to prevent easy bending, the ground began to shake. The three could hear the ice creaking as if it were getting ready to crack. And it did, right behind them. Their father pulled Tonraq by the rope, which prompted Unalaq to follow right after. But he wasn't fast enough, the ice gave way causing Unalaq to fall, without the use of his arms he wasn't able to get up fast enough, so he fell into the crack with the chunk of ice. And Tonraq, he desperately tried to get to his brother, but he was fighting against both the rope and his father, neither of which would budge, so he was forced to watch as his brother fell into the casum of ice.


Tonraq, now 17, was a master at bending his element, but he no longer had the will to fight or resist his father, not after Unalaq's fall.

One evening, a storm was setting in as he was walking behind his father, arms tied as usual. They came to the top of a hill, and from there Tonraq could see the village lights, so he stopped to admire them for a little while. His father noticed Tonraq stop and turned to see what the problem was, he looked where Tonraq was looking. All he did was let out a grunt like snort, which caused Tonraq to flinch slightly and continue to trail behind his father.

When the two were closer to home they passed by an old ice structure, it was from when the two brothers were still allowed to play outside. In seeing the structure Tonraq stopped again, seeing ghosts of his past running and playing around the structure, but all of a sudden he felt a sharp tug. Tonraq took a step to relieve the pressure and looked over, now seeing the anger building up in his father's eyes. Tonraq looked back down taking a few steps to follow his father again, but the vision of his brother soon stopped and looked over at him. The look in his eyes held worry, sadness, anger, and disappointment.

Tonraq was so busy trying to figure out the look in his eye that he didn't notice the tug of the rope, and he certainly didn't notice his father walking over to him. Well not until he was punched in the face, and as he was laid out in the snow he saw his brother grow, he would have been 15 now. In the midst of his confusion he paid no mind to his father, who was now beating him to get him up.

Then all of a sudden Unalaq looked furious as he ran at their father, but all that came was a strong gust of wind that pushed their father a bit. Then he realized that a blizzard was coming, right where Unalaq ran from. Then something clicked into place, and like water from the braking of a dam, his fighting spirit rushed back into him.

When his father flipped Tonraq to his back he braced himself, as his father wound up his arm to throw another punch. When Tonraq found the opening he was looking for, he brought both his legs into his chest and kicked up into his father's, which sent him back a few feet. Tonraq rolled to the side and up to his feet, now facing his father, and brought all his focus onto his father. Tonraq took a light yet strong stance, and suddenly closed fist causing his father to go ridgged with a wide eyed expression. And with a single sudden movement of his hands and feet his father crumpled to the ground.

Tonraq, at this point couldn't bring himself to care whether or not his father was still alive, and searched his father for a knife. He eventually found one, and with a little bit of finesse Tonraq was able to cut the rope. With his sore arms now free he ran off into the blizzard.

Tonraq didn't know what to do after he ran, but he continued to run without much care as to where he was going or where he's been. A little while later, by whatever luck he still had, he managed to make it to the coast, where the ice cut off into the sea. The rough water of the stormy sea called to him, so he jumped in, bending the water to carry him further out.

Tonraq kept going and going head on into the storm, waters getting rougher, harder to control, but what ultimately made it worse was the fact that he was already exhausted before coming out here. It took everything for Tonraq to focus, but soon he slipped up and the sea swallowed him.

-[Watch Tower, Earths Orbit]-

With a gasp Tonraq suddenly woke up as Koda and his soul finished melding, and not seeing anything familiar to either he began to panic a bit. Tonraq while franticly looking around began to take off the wires that were stuck to him, and his actions only grew more frantic as the monitors began to go off.

"Calm yourself, you're safe here." A monotone voice rang out in the chaos, bringing some semblance of calm to Tonraq's situation. He quickly turned to the voice setting into a fighting stance, while also searching for an open source of water.

"Oh, the child is awake." A new voice entered into the fray drawing some of Tonraq's attention, as he shifted slightly to go more on the defensive.

"Calm down, we get that you're confused, but can we get a name?" This time the voice of a woman broke through. But he hasn't had a need to talk in a while, any time he talked the past year he was beat for it, and he doesn't trust these people either.

So this leaves Tonraq in a strange situation of should he talk to these people? Will it end in a good way or just badly? Where the hell is he? Who are these people? Why is there another one?

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