Ch 19

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["Germany? What do you mean GERMANY?"]

William shifted the phone away from his ear when he heard a scream from the other side of the call, a man filled with frantic in his voice, full of worry. He couldn't blame his husband, they didn't tell his family anything at all after his brother-in-law 'kidnapped' him. What's more, his device had died because he didn't charge it last night, and Lucas was busy driving to and from the airport. They only landed two hours ago, stopped at a restaurant for a while to have lunch and recharge the battery, then contacted his husband.


"Be patient, I was just about to answer," he replied irritably, although he couldn't blame Vincent for demanding an answer. "There was ... a little incident when I was coming home from court," his eyes glanced at the man beside him who was focused on driving, "Luke saved me, then took me to Germany."

There was a moment of silence, quiet, no one spoke apart from heavy sighs from the other end of the phone.

["Give Lucas the phone."]

"Luke, Vince wants to talk." He turned to Lucas, Lucas immediately shook his head vigorously, so he returned to his call. "He's, uh, busy."

["Do not lie, I know he's not that busy."]

The serious, condemning tone of voice made him swallow back the lump in his throat, so he spoke silently to Lucas, his lips moving in a way that said 'Sorry, mate'. The red light flashed and the car stopped, Lucas hit his forehead against the steering wheel as he also changed the call mode to loudspeaker. "You can talk to him now," he said.


Lucas grimaced. "I will take care of your husband, you don't need to worry, really!" Lucas quickly tried to calm the man down, from his voice there was the possibility that a long lecture would be given. "William will be fine here, at least for three or four days and then I will return him to England; I promise! There's a group of people targeting him, I told you about it and you agreed that I will protect him."

["I do agree but take him to GERMANY?"]

"I have no other choice." A quiet sigh came from Lucas who leaned back in the chair, his fingers tightened on the steering wheel. "And if you're worried about passport and visa, I've got that covered."

There was silence again, they heard Vincent exhale and his footsteps were loud, indicating he was pacing around the room.

"Can't you just teleport to him?"

That's a good question.

["Certainly not?!"]

Wow, he was furious and worried at the same time, his shout made them both flinch in surprise at the same time.

["He's abroad! I can't teleport that far!"]

William felt this was the time he needed to speak up, standing for his brother-in-law. "Darling, don't worry, I'll be fine here." He didn't want to concern the man, Vincent seemed to have a lot on his mind lately and remembering that before he went to trial Vincent had been worried about him, it made him feel guilty. "I promise I'll take care of myself, trust me."

["If something happens to you I will sue Lucas."]

Actually, seeing how he was protective of him was quite adorable.

"You can sue me if he gets hurt," Lucas confirmed those words. "Now I ask you to remain calm, I will look after William here completely." He sounded steady, trying to be reassuring, and another heavy sigh came across the call.

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