Braids - Lewis Hamilton

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driver: Lewis Hamilton

pronouns: Not Mentioned

prompt: Lewis has his hair undone before going to braid it again

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Lewis' hair was slowly growing back out and his braids were getting a little weird so it was around time for him to braid them back into shape, he had asked you in the night to help him unbraid them before he went to get them braided, it was very funny when he did you were trying to sleep and he just kept moving around the bed groaning and complaining in a low voice to try and not bother you but he kind of was, he shook the entire bed trying to adjust his head where his braids weren't tugging on the wrong way.

"baby." He spoke harshly.

"mhmm...?" You replied as he stopped moving around the bed.

"can you please undo my braids tomorrow?" He asked, you giggled half asleep.

"is that what's bothering you, sweetheart?" You asked him turning to face him.

"I can't stand it." He cried.

"of course, but just... please, stay still tonight yeah?" You politely asked him, he sighed and nodded.

"night my love." He placed a soft kiss in your forehead and tried to settle in bed once more, you turned back to your position and slowly drifted off to sleep, the rest of the night was kind of a nightmare since he woke up by the tugging in his hair, sometimes you put your hand in his hair and massaged his scalp softly for him to go back to sleep and stop groaning.

The next morning he was already up and running, he could undo his braids by himself of course he could but the fact that you were tender and gentle to do so and he loved to spend time with you while you did little things around the house and have you help him with his hair just seemed perfect to spend the day together doing something, you looked around for him in the house and once you found him you hugged him from the back.

"rough night?" You teased him.

"I hate when my hair is too grown for the braids it's like it doesn't know where to go." He groaned.

"believe me honey, I know." You laughed to then place a soft kiss on his shoulder, you walked off to greet Roscoe who was playing around in the living room. "when do you want me to go full hair salon on your head?" You asked, he chuckled.

"I don't mind when just not tomorrow, please! I just really can't stand them." He begged again, you laughed and nodded.

"I know, let's have breakfast and go outside then..." You offered, he accepted and continued preparing some breakfast, you ran back to the room and made the bed before it was too late in the evening whilst you waited. When you finished your food, you stood up and washed your plate before going to get the brush in the bathroom. "Lewis! wait for me outside!" You shouted from the bathroom looking for some hair cream for his poor scalp, you walked outside to the backyard and saw him sitting in the ground with Roscoe on his lap. "okay come here, time to unleash the beast!" You joked.

"please treat my head right." He asked, you gasped offended.

"how dare you criticise my unbraiding techniques." You smiled, he chuckled. "I will dummy, don't worry about it, let's treat that poor suffering scalp of yours." You kissed his forehead, you undid every single hair tie around his braids before starting, Lewis while he waited for you to be done he caressed your leg as he was leaning against your lap for you to have a good view of his entire head, he also played with Roscoe trying to move the least possible to not get his hair pulled.

"how are you this soft with your hands and are also able to fully break a dog toy?" He asked, you laughed, days previous to the current day, Lewis was away for the last race before summer break and you were at home taking care of Roscoe as always but something had gone wrong since Roscoe was non-stop barking at something while you were in bed binge watching a series, so you went to check on what had happened and his toy was stuck underneath some metal for some odd reason.

"what the heck Roscoe? how did that get there?" You asked the dog as if he could respond back but he just simply barked, you pulled the toy trying to get it out in one piece but it was worthless, the more you pulled the more harder it seemed to be. "I am so sorry Roscoe but the toy might break." You apologized to the dog who was looking at your attempts on getting the toy out, you kept pulling and in the last try the toy tore apart and the stuffing went everywhere making Roscoe bark uncontrollably.

"how did the toy get there anyway?" Lewis asked, now back in the present.

"I don't know, if Roscoe knew how to speak he might have told me but it seemed really weird how it got there." Both of you looked at the dog playing the half of the toy that was now completely unstuffed, it took around a week to get rid of the stuffing laying around the house even when Lewis came back home there was still stuffing found in places you rarely went by yourself like Lewis' personal little gym in the house, his hair was slowly getting back on it's normal form without it being braided which was so endearing for you, once you finished with the last braid you massaged lightly his scalp.

"all done?" He asked relaxed.

"yup." You mentioned and kissed his head. "look at your hair!" You giggled, since it had been in braids it was kind of messy, it looked like a messy afro especially since the braiding made his curls shape in all sorts of ways, you brushed out his hair with your fingers and giggled. "I love your hair." You mentioned as you continued brushing.

"this feels so nice, I'm gonna enjoy my hair like this for a few days..." He sighed resting his back into you letting his body weight rest on you.

"ah! You're crushing me!" You complained, he sat up chuckling.

"thanks baby." He pressed his lips against yours, you smiled.

"no problem... can I braid it? Not like you get it braided but... can I?" You asked, he tilted his head and accepted, he pressed his back again letting you braid his hair while enjoying some more time with you, you decided to do two dutch braids on his head but went halfway before his puffy hair was too much for your hands to hold. "hold your braids let me take a picture!" You demanded, he did so and you shot a couple of pictures of him with the braids and the braids by themselves.

And the day passed by with you braiding his hair and undoing it until you started plotting your way up to more hairstyles, he was so comfortable that he wasn't really noticing the fact that you were brushing his curls to make a puffy ponytail, so you gathered all his hair and put it in a hair tie with just one twist because it seemed to give up in any given moment, you chuckled and played around with his hair like it was a brush.

"hey! stop playing with my hair!" He complained after you smacked his face with his hair, you laughed and he stood up taking the hair tie out of his hair, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled on you.

"Lewis, no!" You giggled.

"yes!" He pulled more on you and dragged you. 

"no, no! It's cold!" You begged him but he pulled even more on you, you screamed before he jumped into the pool with you in his arms. "my clothes!" You complained after reaching the surface, he held you close. "ah your a dickhead!" You laughed.

"don't say that, you looooove me!" He teased, you pushed the water on him and he did the same with you before grabbing you again and tossing you into the water once more.


oooh shortest one yet I believe! I'm sorry ToT also SECOND UPDATE OF THE DAY!!

Thanks for reading!

- Lavander!

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