Coffee with... No, tea! - Lando Norris

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driver: Lando Norris

pronouns: Not mentioned

prompt: Coffee Shop

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The day was busy, it was a normal thursday afternoon, there were a lot more tourists than always, there was a big event happening soon and it attracted a large audience apparently and because it was a simple coffee place it was attracting to the tourists.

People had different attitudes, they were a lot more kinder as well and really pleasant to you as this week it was your turn to attend on the register but the regular assholes were the same as always and more of because of the amount of people that came in, lucky for them it was temporary unlucky for you and for your colleagues that it was temporary.

One of your colleagues knew what the event was, it was a racing event from Formula One, they had taken the last four days of the week to be able to assist as it took around three days in total, they had been talking about it the past month leading up to the event so you were pretty up to date knowing that there were coming a lot more tourists and new people to attend. There was a group of people in the door and more people gathering, one of your other colleagues walked near you as the whole attention went to what was happening.

"Nolan showed me pictures of the drivers, I'm pretty sure that's one of them." She said as she was cleaning a glass, you tried to see who was between the demanding people.

"and what's his name?" You asked as you tried to see who it was.

"I believe his name is Lando? It's unclear still, Nolan just showed me the pictures and named every single one so it's a blur of who is who." She shrugged and walked away, you still attended people, everyone caught their attention on the dude that had walked in, the line was long enough for your manager to be on alert to invite him to be first, but he kindly denied the offer, he didn't mind waiting and take photos with the respectful people that asked them for it, after the people seemed to be good with the amount of picture everyone got he was left to be calm, you still couldn't see him properly to get rid of your curiosity but the line moved quickly as everyone seemed to have their orders ready.

"hello, welcome, what can I do for you?" You asked adjusting some settings, you raised your eyes to the person who was in front of you and there he stood, the famous driver everyone was talking about and wanting a picture with, with shock you smiled and waited for his response.

"my friend wants a simple black coffee to go." He stated, you nodded and wrote it down in the computer.

"anything else?" You asked politely waiting again for his response, he looked at the menu on top of your head and smiled.

"I want a coffee with... No, tea! wait no..." He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms in front of me. "what do you recommend me?" He asked looking directly at your eyes maintaining eye contact, he smiled and leaned against the counter.

"I like the refreshers... especially with this weather." You spoke, he smiled.

"and what kind of refresher do you like?" He asked politely, but he was pissing off the people behind him, you chuckled and shook your head.

"the strawberry one." You stated with a smile, he nodded.

"then I would like a strawberry refresher with a lot of ice... oh and I'm craving something to eat, is there anything on the specials or something like that?" He asked.

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