Tour guide - Zhou Guanyu

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driver: Zhou Guanyu

pronouns: Not Mentioned

prompt: "main" and Zhou walk around Shanghai

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Zhou had a special day planned for the both of you to take you visiting around Shanghai and show you the places he liked the most, but he had been so busy the past few weeks since you arrived to China as he did things for many important places around his home country he barely even had time to rest at home with you without it being at night after dinner, some days he would ask you to make him company and go somewhere after filming, it amazed you the capability that he had to do things like that almost everyday, being filmed, doing interviews, having to move around every hour to a different set, knowing that he had to do it all again the next day, train for the race in the weekend and fix around his schedule to fit another thing more, he loved doing it even though he was exhausted deeply he knew he was doing something important and that it was a change to do so. He apologized every day remembering that he had postponed the date but you understood it and even offered him to move it to sometime where he would be perfectly cleared in his schedule so he wouldn't be stressed, frustrated or tired so there wasn't any pressure on him but he insisted, the both of you had been dating for around a year and the last time he tried to invite you to come to China you were finishing college and he had already gone to the next stop in the season making the plan shift until the next year, and up until right now it was hard to make the long-awaited day happen, but after so many days of waiting and stopping around some specific places he wasn't going to show you in the special day, the day finally arrived.

Guanyu was already up and running from around 9 pm, the excitement almost leaving his body knowing the day this was and making sure he made homemade breakfast for you in the kitchen while you rested the rest of the morning to wake up by the smell of the food being cooked, you moved around slowly in the bed trying to wake yourself up noticing that Zhou wasn't in the bed with you, you groaned looking around the room and deciding to stand up from the bed to make your way into the kitchen fixing your hair a little to leave the bed hair behind, you walked into the kitchen finding Zhou cooking.

"hello." You said, he turned to you and smiled.

"you woke up!" He said. "I was about to come and get you." He mentioned, you smiled and yawned covering your mouth with your hand.

"why are you cooking?" You asked, he turned to you.

"I'm making breakfast!" He smiled. "come here, I'll teach you." He said giving you space besides him, you made your way besides him and he placed his hands safely in yours after looking at you for assurance to do that, he helped you to assemble the plate and the food itself as he talked instructing what he was doing and what he was going to do after making the food.

After making the food he set the table to eat in while you changed your clothes to start off the day good, once you arrived back you were pressing a towel against your hair as you had showered quickly Guanyu grabbed one of your hoodies that laid around the living room and ran to you to keep you warm, you looked at him and smiled appreciating his act, you left the towel helping you dry your hair and he mentioned the day was gloomy and cold outside as it had been the entire past week but it was better that way without heat and being able to walk around without being heatstroke or feel sick, but he still was worried that you might catch a cold before leaving because of you not drying your hair in the correct way.

"I'll be fine... don't worry about me, let's eat!" You smiled.

"are you sure? you might catch a cold letting your hair be this wet." He said touching your hair with his fingers, it wasn't exactly wet, at least it wasn't dripping the towel had soaked up most of the water so your hair just felt damp.

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