Chaper 9: Trust

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I threw on a sweater and a pair of sneakers and briskly walked to the owlery. I didn't care how late it was this was not something I was sleeping on, I had to get this letter out, I had to get the hell out of this place.

Speeding through the courtyard I collide into someone chest. "Hey woah! slow down there America!" A boisterous and slightly inebriated voice chuckled as hands clasped down firmly onto each of my shoulders. "Where you off to in such a hurry huh?" Theo smiled crookedly down at me.

"Theo please, I need to get to the owlery I...I have to get out of here." I replied flustered trying to break away from him.

His face suddenly fell. "What are you talking about? What happened?" he asked twisting me side to side looking over my body like he was trying to see if I was hurt.

"Nothing happened, I just can't be here I have to go back...home" I explained swatting his hands away from me while a tear slid down my cheek, The word home feeling so foreign on my tongue when describing where I came from.

" are home." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder trying to guide me back inside the castle.

I shook my head tears falling more freely now as I dug in my heels. "I don't even know why I came here! I wanted to find myself, learn about this other part of me, about my father... but it's horrible! It's vile and it's tainted and I can't stand it. It makes me want to ripped my skin off because I can't handle being inside it one more second!" I cry out.

Theo seemed to be sobering up rather quickly with the serious nature of this conversation. "I really shouldn't be the one having this conversation with you...we should find Malfoy." He said looking around the courtyard like Draco would magically materialize in front of our eyes simply by speaking his name, conjuring him to my aid.

"What conversation?..." I asked and then it slowly dawned on me. "Do you know something? About my father? What he was?" Theos eyes flicked down to me nervously and then back up scanning the grounds again.

"Theo!" I shouted garnering his attention again "...tell me what you know" he shook his head slowly his expression growing more squirrelly by the minute.

"Tell me or I'm sending this letter to my mother to bring me back to America." I threaten waving the envelope mere inches from his face. his eyes filled with slight panic again as I finally broke away from him storming to the owlery. I made it a but a few steps before my vision suddenly went black.


"I'm sorry! Okay? Im sorry! I didn't know what to do I panicked! She-she said she was going to leave and I tried to tell her to talk to you instead but... she's fucking stubborn!" Theos voice was frenzied and I heard the sound of footsteps pacing around me, as my eyes slowly fluttered open the movement stopped.

I groaned as my vision came into focus. I was back in the Slytherin common room laying on the couch with Draco, Pansy, and Theo all standing over me. I grabbed at my head in pain and tried to sit up.

"You can thank Nott for the headache." Draco muttered gripping my elbow to help steady me into a sitting position, glaring at Theo out of the corner of his eyes.

"I fucking panicked!" He shouted again this time muffled by the cigarette between his lips as his shaky fingers fumbled with the lighter trying to ignite it. Pansy rubbed his arm in attempts to comfort him.

I looked up at Theo rubbing my temples. "Did you...stupify me?" I asked my annoyance of the situation growing stronger.

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