Chapter 13: distraction

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Jumping back into classes Monday after the whirlwind of a weekend id had, would be interesting to say the least. Everyone else around me was seemingly bouncing back just fine. All though I'm sure just the excitement of the party and a slight hangover was probably all most of them were recovering from.

They Probably weren't all recovering from getting black out drunk to the point they almost died, been revived and then got into yet another emotionally devastating fight for what seemed like the hundredth time since their arrival a few days ago, only to then having a soul shattering orgasm from the person who caused a majority of the their turmoil, All within a 24 hour period. Right...they likely didn't have it quite that bad.

My head was throbbing still, even after spending all of Sunday locked away in my dorm seeking comfort and solace in my bed. I loaded up on caffeine and carbs trying to keep it at bay best I could. Suddenly the table shifted and Theo plopped himself beside me causing me to spill a bit of juice.

"Good Moooorning" he said in a cheery sing song voice taking the croissant off my plate putting it into his mouth. I glared at him and ripped it out, his teeth taking a significant bite out of it. I roll my eyes and toss it onto the empty plate in front of him seceding to the fact that it was no longer mine.

"Not a good morning then eh America?" He laughed with a full mouth as Mattheo sat down across from us.

I rolled my eyes and sighed pressing into my temples. "Headache is all." I said staring down at the trail of crumbs left on my plate.

"Tough break" he said between chews. "Don't you have advanced potions today? Fuckin brutal that one will be, maybe Malfoy will share his notes, it's his expertise." I groaned burying my head into my hands. "Speaking of Malfoy you have any idea where he's at?" Theo continued.

My head immediately flung black up. "What? No...why would I have any idea where he is?" I reply frantically my voice increasing at least a full octave.

"I was talking to Riddle..." Theo replied both of them now looking at me with a curious speculation.

"Right...of course." I say trying to brush off my weird response with a not all that convincing smile. I was an idiot, they definitely would know something was up now.

Theo glanced back to Mattheo "Americans...bloody weirdos" he whispered giving him a look like I was insane. That's fine, I'd much rather go with the 'crazy American' thing than the 'I fucked your friend's knee on the common room couch while everyone was sleeping upstairs and haven't heard from him since' thing.

Mattheo on the other hand didn't seem so easily swayed. He looked me up and down and then reached into his bag. "This came for you this morning." He said still eyeing me.

I snatched the letter out of his hands flipping it over seeing a wax seal with the same emblem that was on my signet ring pressed into it. My grandmother had written back.

I quickly stood from the table gathering my things. "I've got to go." I muttered taking one last sip of my coffee nearly spilling it on my shirt.

"Chaotic that one." Theo chuckle.

"Yeah...chaotic indeed..." I heard Mattheo reply back as I made my way out of the great hall his attention locked on me until I disappeared out of the doors and out of his view.

I found a small secluded alcove near the stairs and glanced at my watch, 15 minute until potions. I broke the wax seal and began to read.

My dearest Avery,

I want to extend my deepest apologies for the feelings you expressed in your letter. Thought I will say I was a bit shocked that you had not read the journal before your arrival. I gave strict instructions to make sure it was provided to you before your departure and assumed you had read it before agreeing to our arrangement. I of course realize some of the content can be a bit jarring and hard to read, but I do suggest you read it in its entirety. I am certainly not proud of everything your father did, he was a lost and confused boy that fell into the wrong company and committed horrible atrocities. But he was also smart, and passionate and cared deeply for the ones he loved, including you. Read the journal, and I will be here for you with any questions you may have. I can also provide other resources with mention of your father but I will warn you they are rather bias. I recommend waiting until you've finished with his own writings first.

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