Texting Damon

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After Damon left, I went back up to my cabin.

Now it was late, about 10 pm. I put on my short pj shorts and a tank top. Then I crawled into my bunk bed.

I turned on my iPod and turned on the wifi. Then a message popped up from my Texting app. It was from a number that was not in my contacts list. I pressed on the message and it said "hey beautiful"

I responded

" Uh... Hi, who is this?" then my brother walked into the room "hey sis, whatcha doing?" Connor asked. Then another message popped up "oh sorry, it's Damon" damon?!? How did he get this number? And why not my phone? Well it was probably a better thing he has this number because then I ca text him here but still! "helllllo??" Connor asked. I laughed a bit "oh sorry, do you know how damon got my text-free number?" "oh sorry Jul (a/n Jul - pronounced Jewl) earlier I was with Liam and Damon and he wanted your number so I gave him both your iPod and phone... Sorry I probably should have asked you first." he said. "Oh no its fine, I was just wondering because he just texted me." then Connor got into the other bunk. He too was on his iPod.

I responded to Damon

J: cool!

D: so wat r u doin tomorrow

J: hmm... I not sure yet, probably going fishing or just chilling. Hbu

D: nothing I know of, I was hoping to hang with you tomorrow.

J: that would b awesome!

D: cool babes.

J: yeppers

D: soo... I have rilly missed you lately

J: I have missed u too

D: I like you a lot... Did u know that?

J: no... I did not know that. Did you you know that I really like you too?

D: well yeah I did.

J: what?!

D: haha remember when we were little, about 5 years old, when we would pretend that u were Juliette and I was Romeo... Well u said u LOVED me then

J: o pleez! I was 5! Lol

D: aw I feel unloved :(

J: fine then I LOvE you. There. Better?

D: veryy

J: ok-k good ;) well nighty night Romeo I'm tired... Cya xx

D: sweet dreams sleeping beauty

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