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(Yadav Mansion)
It was the 9:30 on clock,night of the very day.He was waiting at the table with streaming dinner waiting to be served.

Anu came down the last few steps of the stair carrying a small suitcase.She placed it on the floor soundlessly and walked slowly to the dinning table.She was all set to leave  after the dinner. She would be going on a business trip for two days.The maids served in the food and she took the first bite of food.

"When are you leaving?"-asked Rishi while eating.

"Just after dinner"-Anu replied calmly without looking at him.

"Hmm..Let me drop drop you!"-he said.

Anu looked at him and said -"No."She couldn't take anymore of his act so she elaborated-"I'll take the driver."

Rishi looked at her for sonic moments then nodded and said in disappointing tone-"As you wish!".

He felt a little awkward as she had never behaved so cold with him.For rest of the meal,it was pin drop silence but a huge storm inside

Anu's heart was destroying her completely.She had a lot to ask but couldn't,she had always been this way-smile on face and pain in heart.

At the end of supper,Anu couldn't hold back and ended up asking Rishi -"Where did you go from the office in morning today?"

Rishi was astonished by the sudden question but soon he recollected himself and sai-"I..I went to meet Ahana Chakrabarti."He smiled in a lame manner to cover for his deed and said-"It was a secret meeting between us ." 
"Secret meet?"-Anu asked furiously -"Why?"she let a breath to cool herself down and asked-"Why didn't you tell me?"
Rishi stumbled and said-"Um..It was arranged so swiftly that I didn't get time to tell you."He brought his body a little closer to the table and said -"Last time she refused to work with us after the rift so I went to persuade her.After a long sequence of requesting I got to meet her and too I wasn't sure whether she would change her mind in last minute so I didn't tell you."

  It was true that last time Crude Beauty's team had a small misunderstanding with Ahana regarding the paycheck so she refused to work for their company and it was also true that for the constant progress of the company,a rising star like her was their requirement but that still doesn't justify their affaire-if they have it.

Anu didn't knew whether to trust him or not as he was not supposed to reveal about his secret meet with his lover before his wife.Was she not his lover?Had Anu mistaken?Will she ever be able to catch them?
With a lot if questions in mind all Anu could say was-"Ok.I trust you."

(Two days later)
Anu was sitting on the back seat of a cab, watching news on her phone.She was returning home after her trip.The space between her eyebrows crumbled as she saw the trending news.

  It said 'Actress Ahana had been confirmed to be dating  Star Cricket of Indian team -Vishal'.Anu looked outside the window and thought, if Ahana was dating Vishal then in no form she would date Rishi. Anu was sure by the report that her investigation was in a complete wrong way.

  She was drowned in deep thoughts when the driver said that they had reached her house.She looked around outside to see they had surely arrived. She took her suitcase out of the car's trunk and paid the driver.

She moved inside when the watchman opened the giant gate and as she reached near the entrance door she spotted a white Mercedes parked at their parking area.She understood some that guest had arrived.She opened the door using spare key and could hear laughter of a woman.

She had a flinch.Rishi had no relatives and her relatives usually don't come to pay a visit then who was the woman?His friend or someone else?

  She slowly walked towards the living to see a woman sitting beside Rishi on the couch holding his wrist.Both of them seemed very happy regarding something.

In meantime Rishi noticed Anu standing at a distance and said compassionately-"Oh!you're here."
The woman turned towards Anu and smiled.

She released his wrist and elegantly walked towards Anu, giving her a hug."Hey Anu,How have  you been?"-she said with a warm smile.It was Mrs.Bhatt,her husband owned over a dozen of multi-complex malls and in many of their arcades, Crude Beauty's store had wonderful sales.

Besides that, she had her own unique identity as the current Transport Minister of Indian.A well cherished relationship had formed between the two families.

  With a fake awkward smile Anu asked-"What were you two doing?"
Mrs.Batt said in jesting tone-"I was trying to seduce your husband and steal him from you."
Rishi added immediately in a merry tone-"But I didn't let her to do so."
Mrs Bhatt rolled her eyes and said -"Yah..Yah".She gave a naughty smile and continued -"Anyways Anu,this Tuesday we are hosting a party in honour of one year anniversary of Rangini Mall"-turning towards Rishi she said-"He knows the venue" and then turning again towards Anu she completed-"You two must come."

Anu smiled forcefully and said-"I'll try."Mrs.Bhatt said playfully -"But Rishi promised me that he'll come.If you don't come, I'll surely steal him."

"Well, that's not possible"-Rishi said with a victorious smile and walking closer to Anu said-"I'll always remain loyal to my wife."Mrs.Bhatt said"Oh really?Then...."

The two of them continued to flirt via their conversation.It was not their first time, in past they had often spoken in this way but Anu never suspected them rather enjoyed the conversation.Though presently she couldn't consider it as normal after everything what happened a month ago.Her suspect further intensified when Mrs.Bhatt lightly tapped on his chest with her all five fingers while chatting and both of them laughed loud.

  But why would she cheat when she had a loving husband who would prioritise the family over work?Who gave her the right to cheat?Anu stood there looking at them patiently and tightened her fist out of anger.
( Few days later)

Rishi opened the back seat door of a white Mercedes car and hopped in it Mrs.Bhatt or Lavanya you say was already sitting there.She instructed her driver to wait outside the car.

   She then turned turned towards Rishi and said while removing her sunglasses -"You're late!"
Rishi said casually -"You could have just said it via call.Why did you need to call me here? Isn't not easy for a married man to lie to his wife multiple times and meet someone else."
Lavanya raised her hand in air and said while looking at her recently painted nails -"I'm a wife too.." she told at him straight and continued-"So don't brag."

Rishi made a serious face and said -"Will you tell what is it?"

She lowered her hand and smiled at him.
"I took a little too much money from you to cover thaaat case,so I felt a little debted."-said she and paused for a minute.Rishi's expression clearly said he wanted to hear more of her so she proceeded -"I want to pay it back by giving you greater honours.A new title.Would you take it?"

Rishi said in a irritated manner -"Will you please stop playing with words and tell what the matter is."

Lavanya laughed aloud and said -"I will..I will but think before you say yes or no to the offer" she suddenly turned serious and said -"If in future I face an loss for you, I'll extract double the amount from your butt."
With passage of few seconds she brought a smile again and said -"The good news I have brought for you is...."

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