Five:Part 2

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Anu was sitting silently in her office room.Her one arm was on her lap and the elbow of another arm resting on the work table before her.Without realisation,she was rubbing her lower lip with her thumb.Her eyes were lowered and body was static.Her mind was drowned in deep thoughts about the secret documents she saw last time.

  Was death of all his ex-wives in unnatural way just a coincidence or was it a well planned murder?

   It had been found after long investigation that her accident was caused due to failure of the brakes.No evidence had been found which would support that the brake failure was man made.The result was hard to swallow for Anu because that day, in the morning when she came the brakes were completely fine then what happened in the evening?

  Was it Rishi who caused the brakes to fail so that she would die and he could take over her father's company?Was it really him who murdered all his wives?No way, wouldn't he be scared of the heavens?Was his girlfriend also involved in all of this? -Several questions whirled in Anu head but no solution could be found.

   To drive away the mist of doubts from her mind,came in Adil.

"Excuse me mam.Well,You have a visitor"-he said.
She suddenly came out from her imaginative world with his words and asked with crumbled eyebrows -"Visitor?Who?"
Before he could reply a someone spoke in a sharp feminine voice -"Do I need to take an appointment to meet you?"

A woman walked in.She was  tall, white as milk.She had cat-like light brown eyes which might seduce anyone who would look in it. Her slim straight nose and thick lips made her look like an angel who landed straight from the heaven.Her long brown untied hair  looked as if lovingly stitched to her head by God.Her hour-glass shaped perfect figure made her look as if carved carefully by a skilful sculpture.She gave a big smile to Anu.She was Divya.
Adil looked at her and said softly-"Mam,you shouldn't just walk in without permission?"
Divya looked at Adil with crumbled eyebrows and asked in an irritated manner -"Permission?"she looked at Anu and asked -"Do I need permission to visit you?"
Adil knew it was not worth arguing to Divya as she would never try to understand that rushing inside a relative's work place during duty hours could be displeasing sometimes.He just looked at Anu to take the final decision.Anu let out a breath calmly and signaled him to leave.He did as she wished.

  Adil was a reserve person but could mix well with people belonging from any background.He was more like Anu and probably that was the reason they had a sibling like bond in between.Though Anu could never understand why he disliked Divya so much.They never get along.

    After Adil left,Divya walked to Anu's desk and crossed her arms.
"As soon as your health improved you stopped calling me huh!Am I that unimportant?"-Divya said quite in an annoyed tone.
Anu smiled and said -"No!I was just busy with some work."

Divya looked in another direction and said-"Is work more important than your sister?"
Anu said trying to convince her-"Never Di.I was just..." She was cut in between by Divya.

Divya looked at her and asked with crumbled brows-"Then why were you ignoring my calls since last week?"-she let out a breath and said calmly-"It's just been a month to your accident.I was worried about your health.When you didn't pick up I had to call Rishi and enquire about your health."

'Rishi'-this name had stolen peace from Anu's life within a month.When Divya took his name,some sort of electric impulse travelled through her entire body.She wanted to disclose the truth of that treacherous person in front of the world but she couldn't.She didn't tell anyone about Rishi not even her sister because affair was definitely not something to be proud of afterall.

As she was again lost in her thoughts,Divya sighed and placed her hand on Anu's shoulder.She shivered by touch and looked at Divya restlessly.

"You need a break."-said Divya trying to comfort her.Anu didn't react or reply except for looking at her like a lost kid in search of her home.Divya knew by the look something was wrong so she decided to do something to make her feel better.She suddenly smiled and said -"Let's go for shopping."

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