The Pollution

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In the name of Mizonokuchi, there was a legend of the Kappa.

The Kappa would come occasionally, gladly scaring the locals, as they soak human tears into their dishwater and run away like that.

While the Kappa is only innocent, locals came up with the idea to catch them and reveal and show their misery.

The Kappa lived under the dump river, where no one bothered to open the hatch, ignoring the world behind it as they trash and trash the environment.

The Kappa knew humans were doing this out of boredom and frustration, even for the size of the brain, it was obvious and understandable.

By living under this freedom and splashing the dishwater, they gave themselves more knowledge of the human mind, using that to plot even more behaviors.

The Kappa came out to scare the locals once again, this time carrying the hoard of trash.

"Look upon the guts you trash. Look upon your mindless faces. The town is a thousand drops away because of you."

The locals were even more scared, forgetting their plot to catch them, as they gave the tears to the Kappa, yearning for them to forgive.

The Kappa accepted the tear, then offered to make a deal with them, never to plot such schemes.

Since then, the Kappa never showed their face ever again, to the locals' curiosity.

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