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"tada!. Here are your samosas and cold coffee." Ronit smiled at the girl sitting across him with a pout. "Sorry.." 

"No yaar, it's all my fault. You're a steward but I threw unnecessary tantrums all across. Maaf bhi kardo apni iss nalayak dost ko?" Maira pleaded on the verge of tears.  "I solemnly promise next treat is from me!" 

"No Maira, It's me who should be sorry. I know we've planned this out but honestly it was a last minute call which I had to attend. I'm sorry. Anyways dig in." Ronit placed his hands on Maira's. 

"R..Ronit, everyone at home are so panicked and I can't think straight over there. Mamu and pops are being too protective and I don't get it." Maira said in frustration. "It's all over my long lost mami and her kid AKA my cousin." 

"Ok and? look Maira, I don't want to fall into your matters but you shouldn't be annoyed by all of this, just talk it out." Ronit smiled. "Please don't stress up." 

"I'm not annoyed, I'm worried about Mamu's health. He's literally skipping meals all because of that hectic case. Ronit yaar, I know this sounds dumb but can you assist Mamu and pops on the flight to Pune?" Maira cried, "I can't sleep without the the thought of Mamu's BP increasing suddenly in panic. I can trust only you outside my house." 

"Well..I don't-" 

"Yes or no?" 

Ronit stood stunned my Maira's option. He knew he didn't want to disappoint Maira by saying no. 

"Y..Yes" Ronit sighed. "After this?" 

"After this case, we talk about ourselves,." Maira grinned. "That's what you wanted na?" 

"I don't think your family would approve the relationship. Look Maira, I love you but if I'm a hurdle in your family then sorry I myself wouldn't marry you. Please give us some time." 

"I've known you since forever. But if you want time, I'm ready. It won't be long right?" 
Maira sighed. "Look Ron, I know you have your priorities set but, I'm not here to judge you. I deeply and truly love you. If pops sees that he'll definitely say yes. Not for you but for me...please don't hesitate." 

"Maira, I'm grateful to have someone as understanding as you." Ronit smiled cupping Maira's face. "We'll meet again. I've a flight scheduled for Goa. We'll talk about it later." 

"Take care Ron.."

"You too..Milte hain." 






Abhira stood outside the penthouse in anticipation. She knew Armaan was planning something for them but her excitement made her knock on the door more than 100 times. An Annoyed Armaan answered the door after a chain of non-stop knocking by his beloved wife. 

"How would some one surprise you if you can't stand out for like 17 mins and 29 seconds?" 

"Well..17 mins is more than enough for a surprise." Abhira said shrugging. "Can I enter? or should I make the count 200?" 

"Abhiraa..." Armaan sighed in exhaustion.. "Come in." 

As soon as Abhira entered she stood numb by the scene she saw. Bugs? Her biggest fear! she squealed in fear before clutching Armaan's shirt. "What? inte bugs?" 

"Yes and? we still need to survive in here.. now if you mind, please move. I have work to do." 

"Hmm...Honestly I expected something more but okay." 

"Something more like?" Armaan asked in a husky voice. "Tell me.." 

"N..Nothing..I thought you ordered some food. Pizza. italian." Abhira blushed running out of the penthouse. 



"You need to help me in something." Armaan said walking towards Abhira. 

"W..With?" Abhira slowed down. 

"With.." Armaan said pulling Abhira's hand. 

"With..?" Abhira asked in anticipation. 

"With cleaning these bugs." 

Abhira froze hearing that statement and reluctantly pulled her hand. "I..I'll go upstairs and clean." 

"I'm pretty sure it'll be dirtier up there." Armaan said examining the emotions visible on Abhira's face,. "you can try cleaning up though." 

"Yea, I will." 

"So, like do I clean the floor or everything?" Abhira asked confused with her own mindset. 

"Clean the floor, we'll work on the bed together." Armaan said wiping the windows. "The bed's dirtier than anything." 

"Something wrong?" Armaan asked. 

"No..nope I'm just heading upstairs."


"I've been trying to call Armaan, but he won't answer Manisha." 

"It's a shame that he sees nobody except his wife, his junoon Abhira the great. Ma sa, I'm 100% sure I should be getting the legal head of Poddar Associates. He's gone as far as ignoring his own mother's calls. We can't get embarrassed infront of our competitors. Seen Mr. Verma's branch and SInghanias? they're attending too." 

"What should we do Jamai sa? huh? it was clearly written that the house's eldest law performing kid would get the legal head badge. I cannot break the rules!" 

"But Ma sa, we need a new legal head and the ceremony is in the next 3 days. Please, bother thinking about the reputation rather than the rules and niyam. If Armaan isn't here, it's me or Manoj." 

"But papa-" Charu interrupted. "Armaan bhai has full right to get the badge. Just because he isn't here doesn't make him less worthy of the badge."

"Charu!" Kajal glared at her. "To your room." 

"But-" Charu tried speaking.

"Didn't you hear your mother? to your room!" Dadisa shouted making Charu tremble. 

"Ma sa.." 

"No Vidya. I realized that Jamai sa is right, it's now or never. Armaan either comes home leaving that girl or loses the badge. One cannot have everything he desires." 

"Thank you ma sa!" Sanjay gave a devious smile knowing his victory. 

"Ma sa, please don't do this. Armaan worked hard enough for this day. He'll be shattered. You know he never leaves a unfulfilled promise. Give him a chance." Vidya cried begging her mother in law. 

"Nahi Vidya! I have my decision clear and set. It's now Armaan." 

"Ma sa.." Manisha rustled. 

"My decision is final, Regardless of what anyone says." Dadisa said walking to her room. 

                                                                      ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Hey! sorry for the incredibly late update. My bad, I should've maintained a schedule! Thank you for the incredible support towards the book. 6.3k views?? thank you!! I will try to update ASAP 🥺 

Once again a big thank you! please do supporting through out I'll try to write better. 

P.S - Abhira's in love with our man 🤭

untill then byeeee <3 

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