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                                                  "Broken crayons; they still color" 

Armaan opened his eyes weakly, the fact that Abhira wasn't with him hurt him more than anything. He examined the room with his eyes and realized he wasn't home, not at his atleast. He hated that he couldn't save Abhira..His heart ached. 

"A..Abhira." Armaan whispered gently adjusting the pillows dumped beside him. 

A mili-second later Naksh and Kairav entered the room with a maid beside them holding a bowl of soup and water. Armaan looked at them in horror.  "How did I reach here?" He panicked. 

"Mr. Poddar, you were attacked. I hope you're feeling better." Naksh said smiling.  "So..remember anything that happened to you last night?" 

Armaan paused sadly,  "Meri wife kidnap hui hai."

Naksh's eyes shop open at the statement,  "Kidnap?" 

"Yeah.." Armaan sighed.  "I could be wrong, but there were thugs in our house,." 

Naksh looked at Kairav who was silently listening to Armaan's answers, "I'll get them noted." 

"Mr. Poddar, can we know your address?" Naksh asked looking down. "You're too weak to do anything, leave it to us. Raghvir and team will help." 

Armaan nodded and told them the address of the penthouse. "Thank you sir. I don't know how to repay you." 

"Just take good care of your wife..that's all we want." saying this Naksh sent Raghvir to the address Armaan said while he and Kairav went outside leaving Armaan alone. 

"Mamu, what if Armaan isn't ready to fight our case with Goenkas?" Kairav asked slamming the files on the coffee table, "I need my sister." 

"We'll need to do this alone."  Naksh said.  "I've sent my men." 

"Mamu, what if we don't find her?" Kairav cried.  "I'll die without her.." 

"Don't say that, ever. You're my son Kairav, My Naira's son. She would never like it if you gave up..especially for your younger sister."  

"Mamu, I know Armaan's health isn't good but do you think we should delay the case? The Goenkas will have more time to escape the truth." 

Naksh sighed sipping his black coffee while staring at Armaan through the window,  "He's honest. I'm sure he won't cheat us." 

"But-" Kairav stopped short seeing a panicked Raghvir rush to their side with a bunch of papers.  

"What's wrong Raghvir?" Naksh asked calmly. He noticed the tension on his face increase every second.   "You're scaring me." 

Raghvir silently removed the papers from the bag and gave it to Naksh,  "H..he..here you go sir." 

Naksh looked at him confused at first but slowly tore open the file which had been sealed.  His eyes carefully examined the papers, each ink mark was carefully traced and each second was bringing excitement until they saw one thing. A name. A name which they had constantly been looking for.  'AKSHARA GOENKA'. The files that Raghvir brought were nothing but Abhira's birth certificate and identity proof.  Naksh looked at the files trembling. He was horrified that Armaan's wife, was none other than his grand-daughter. 

"R..Raghvir where did you find this?" Naksh asked ambivalently not able to understand what he felt.  

"M..mamu does that mean we can find our Akshi? and Abhira..my niece..my Maira's sister." 

Naksh nodded happily but the second moment it hit him,  Abhira was kidnapped.  His heart started racing. What if he wasn't in time to save her? his uncle instincts kicked him. "Get the cars ready, I'll not tolerate anything happening to my grand-daughter.  

"Mamu, but how do we know where she is? and Akshu?" Kairav asked with the same anxiety.  

"We need to find her before the men do something wrong. It's the Goenkas. They want to hurt their own daughters."  Naksh said angrily.  "I'll end them.." 

Kairav nodded, "Raghvir, I want you to go and get the full pent-house examined. All necessary details and stuff on my desk. Now."  

Raghvir nodded.  "Will be done."

Abhira wiped her tears in pain, She was trapped. She hated how bad her fate was, she hated how many games fate played. She wanted to know whether Armaan was safe or not but alas, she couldn't. Yuvraj had locked her in a room without any facility to contact the outside world. Abhira tried to break the glass window numerous times but failed., Maybe she was challenged to fight her existence? 

"Hey Baby." Yuvraj smiled at the sight of Abhira trying to break the window.  "See, you've been doing alot of hard work." 

"Tell me Yuvraj who sent you??"  Abhira said grabbing his collar.  "I said I will marry you but only if you told me who sent you.." 

"Aww baby, I'm not allowed. I could if I wanted but I don't want to." Yuvraj grinned.  "I'm not allowed to."

"Or else what's gonna happen huh?" 

"I'd lose something very dear to me." Yuvraj smirked.  "It's you baby." 

"Please don't hurt Armaan..I beg you!" Abhira said crying.  "I'm tired fighting my life." 

"Don't cry. Your life is now my control. You do as I say baby.." 

Abhira wiped her tears before slapping Yuvraj, "You have no right over me or my existence you filthy person."  

Yuvraj grinned wider, "say that once you're my wife." 


"It's true love, we have another 7 days for our baraat." 


"I highly doubt Armaan would come for you."

"I believe in him, he'll come for me." 

"oh really?" 

"yes, you'll rot in jail and so will your advisor." 

"good luck dreaming about that."  Yuvraj said leaving the room.  


Hey, hry? Hope you like this chapter! I really want your support as I continue to write the story because I'm sur ethat many of y'all wouldn't read these types stories, but one votes motivates alot!! Please stick along for more exciting chapters:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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