ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇ

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A/N - Trigger warning :- 

                                                                         ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Armaan reached home in a dilemma. He wasn't gonna fight a case, the one against Ruhi's family. Right? He didn't know what he was supposed to do when he promised the Singhanias. Armaan opened the door to find a panicked Abhira sitting in the room. His heart raced at her tear - stained face. 

"Abhira jaan, you okay? what happened?" Armaan asked panicked.  "Don't stay mum, tell me." 

Abhira remained silent. Armaan's heart beat increased. He knew it wasn't a good idea to leave his wife alone in an unknown city but he had to. God damnit! 


"W..where were you?" Abhira whispered in a broken voice.  It hurt Armaan more than a bullet. 

"I..i was home, cooking and then some men, they entered the house and then started checking it violently.." Abhira cried.  "They claimed to be from your new firm." 

Armaan froze at the statement. Singhanias weren't so nice after all. 

"So did they hurt you?" Armaan asked softly. 

"I t..think so." 

"What do you mean think so? did they misbehave?" Armaan asked impatiently. 

"Armaan, I need to know where you work."  Abhira said sternly. "I can't tolerate this shit." 

Armaan was taken aback. "Abhira shit? you were attacked and  you're calling that shit? are you okay?" 

Abhira stayed silent.  "Singhanias?" 

"Yes, why would they attack. They're kind. It's a dumb joke."  Armaan laughed humorlessly.

"Joke? seriously a joke? I was attacked here and you think I was doing a joke..it's not April fools day." 

"Jaan, I'm figuring out who could've attacked us. I mean Singhanias are nice..and I can't think of that happening. I mean they are challenging and rude but not this bad." 

Abhira stayed silent and ignored Armaan's non - stop requests to speak something. She knew that someone who they'd not expect would've done the attack. 

"Abhira?" Armaan asked. "Tell me." 

"Jaan, dinner's ready. Let's eat. We'll think about this tomorrow. You must be hungry na?" Abhira said dragging her husband to the kitchen.  "I've made something simple. Khichadi." 

Armaan stared at the Khichadi and then at his wife. His wife was harder to understand than most complex math problems. He served himself quietly and settled on the seat beside his wife. They both ate quietly and he felt something was wrong. 

"I still don't understand." Armaan said playing with his spoon.  "Abhira, law firm?" 

"The Singhanias obviously." Abhira said chugging her water silently.  "Can't you understand? they needed a victim which we are." 

Armaan just closed his eyes in hope it wasn't who they expected. 

"Why the hell do you have a problem from Singhanias?" 

Before Abhira could answer they heard gun - shots fire outside their house. The smoke has risen till their window. In a blink of eye their were men outside. A group. Threatening to break the door. Bloodied knives were thrown barely missing an inch. 

"Abhira..we need to get out." Armaan said panicking.  "Forget everything." 

"They're back-" 

Before Armaan could answer. The door been crushed brutally and pieces of wood were rolled on the floor. Armaan shielded Abhira with himself. 

"Move away." The thug threatened pointing the gun at Armaan. 

"On my dead body. Who sent you." 

"Someone you wouldn't expect ahah." The other thug joked.  "Move away. We're here for the girl." 

Armaan's breath hitched. Here for Abhira? He wanted to say Yuvraj but before that he felt a sharp pain in his neck. The thug had injected him with local anesthesia causing him to fall. The moment he closed his eyes he noticed the thugs were taking Abhira away. He wanted to stop them but he couldn't, his vision was blurred. And the next moment, he fainted.


"I'm sorry, I should've been mature." Maira cried.  "Please tata?" 

Krish smiled at his niece. She was maturer than ever. 

"It's alright. Just remember, when we bring back Akshu bua and your cousin, it'll be a blast." 

"But, I'm worried about dada. He barely eats something. Did you check on him?" 

"He's my father stupid! obviously I did." 

Maira smiled in relief.  "I'd love to have my buami back.But, I wanna go to Pune." 

"Pune? why love?" 

"Just an eye on dada and pops. I'm dying here due to me constantly worrying." Maira explained. "Wahan jaungi to maybe I'll feel better." 

"You'll worry there more. Stay here." 

"Please tata, dada needs us. He won't tell but I can feel it." 

Krish looked down sadly. "Princess, Kairav told me to take care of you and mumma." 

"Just don't tell them. I'll go in a disguise. I'll be back in one before them." 

"Sure, na?" Krish asked giving in.  "I don't want to face Kairav."

"100% sure tata." 


"He's not receiving the call."  Naksh groaned.  "I knew it! freaking dimwit" 

"Mamu, calm down. He's probably busy. You know family man?" 

Naksh nodded calmly.  "I still need time to trust that lawyer with our data. I heard he has strong connections and if he's a cheap traitor we're all gone." 

"Mamu, chill. He sounded honest." Kairav said.  "He'll call back ASAP." 

"Hopefully, I can't afford another lawyer. I paid him 3 Cr." Naksh sighed.  "How's Maira?" 

"good. I needed to call her 45 times to ensure her you're okay." Kairav chuckled. 

As soon as Kairav threw his phone against the couch. A gun shot flew across the room. Panicking Naksh and Kairav alongside their head assistant Raghvir. The gunshots kept increasing and the next thing they knew, the roads were blocked and group of men stood across their villa waving in agony. The next minute they fired a bullet almost hitting Naksh. 

"Fucking Goenkas." Naksh cursed hiding under the table.  "Cheap trick Mr. Goenka." 

The bullets kept increasing and the glass kept shattering at the shots. The men shouted some sort of gibberish which no one in the room understood. 

"Mamu, I don't think it's the Goenkas." 

"They can do anything! to anyone! god better give them a brain and a heart in their next life." Naksh snapped.  "I'll end them" 

"The end game begins Mr. Singhania." A hoarse shout caught their attention. Another game?

                                                             "You have 15 days. 360 hours." 

Another glass broke. Alas, end games do sound creepy.   

Unknown: Zyada wakt nahi hai. You lose you die. 

                                                                           ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Hi! how do you like the chapter? I tried my best to spark the excitement and horror haha. The real twist and story begins here! Updates only when we get 100+ votes :
 I'll meet you with a surprise soon..
byeeeeeeee <3 

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