01. westeros

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THE ONE AND TWO LITTLE GIRL RAN DOWN THE HALLWAY OF HER HOME OF DRAGONSTONE. maids that were walking by heard nothing but a quick sorry as the little Lady ran past them giggling Nobody knew the reason for her excitement except for herself.

Today was the day she and her family were visiting Westeros, she had never been outside of Dragonstone. her smile grew when her father announced they were leaving the next day. Aezura clung onto the ends of her blue silk dress as she made her way down the stairs to the docks

Aezuraand her brother's ha never left dragonstone, they had no idea what it is like outside of 

She saw her mother holding her little brother, Rhaegar, the eight year old boy held onto Valaena's necklace as he watched men around him loud barrels and bags onto he boat for the trip when Rhaegar saw his sister approaching he smield and giggled, pointing towards her so his mother would see.

Valaena looked to where he was pointing and saw her only daughter run towards her holding her dress in hand as she climbed carefully on the docks "Sweet child where were you?"  Valaena said as Aezura's how as out fo breath and looked up at her mother 

"I was saying goodbye to Balerion's mother," Aezura told her mother as she looked back at the mountain where her dragon rested. I ran far. she thought

"Your obsession with those beasts is not safe for a young lady like you," Valaena said to her daughter still looking out to see if she could see her dragon's large wins from the top of the volcanic mountain.

"But mother, you were the one that brought me there!" exclaimed the little silver-haired girl who played with her necklace as she turned around to her mother. "Sweet girl," she said as she smiled at her daughter before pulling her in her side as she saw her husband approaching with Viserys right behind him

"Father!" Rhaegar claimed to his dad who smiled at his son. everyone in Dragonstone knew how fake his smiles were, Valaena tried to gently guide her children away from their father but she couldn't do much. they were children after all

The ship set sail for Oldtown where Aerion was greeted by the high Septon and his men. his family got off the ship one by one to stand side by side.

Aezura's first thought at the large city was how awful it smelt. she thought the faith was meant to be beautiful but it seems that while they were praying to thee gods they forgot to clean the horses stables 

Aerion and his family were given a night to spend at Oldtown before setting sail to the arbour as guests of lord redwyne. Aezura's father had a lot to sell and the arbour was the best place to sell it so that's where they were headed 

Aezura grew bored of Oldtown aswell as the septa who was following her around like a dog to its owner. the young Lady was not known to be rude to strangers but people who force the faith on innocent kids were different 

"Stay close by me" Viserys muttered to his younger sister as they got off the boat in the arbour, Lord redwyne was there to greet Lord Aerion who brought him into an embrace. Viserys trusted no one. except his family but his family was always by his side 

The young lord looked out at the people by the street markets most looked peaceful and happy but Viserys knew better. he was always on his feet when it came to threats he was a skilled warrior at just four and ten thanks to the training of the guards at dragonstone. 

His little sister was also good. Both their mother and father allowed her to participate in the activity. it becomes common for both of the brother and sister to face each other. when Aerion tried to get Rhaegar to fight he just hid in Valaena's shoulders 

He was more into music with him skilled at the harp which he played a lot at dinner's which bored a lot of people but not Aezura. she listen to all of his songs al of his words he sang like a angel. his voice was soft an dviserys would be lying if she said he wasn't jealous of his baby brother 

He had a lot. his mother and father's love. his sister's all-visery love all Viserys had was his sword and dragon Vhagar. Even though Rhaegar flew on his dragon meraxes more than both Vserys and Aezura combined he still had everything.

Viserys couldn't be mad at him, though he was kind to him as well often having nights where the young boy would sneak into his chambers in worry for the doom of Valyria to hit Dragonstone.

when the Targaryen siblings entered their chambers they were shocked at the decor. All of it was covered in flith and the walls wear falling off and it smelt worse then dragon shit or atleats that's how Aezura put it. 

when Valaena entered the chambers she was shocked "i knew we shouln't have come here" Valaena said causing all three siblings to turn to their mother "do they hate us?" Rhaegar asked his silver-haired mother 

Valaena did nothing but look down at her children "Your father, he knows how to make enemies" Valaena told them as she shut the window so no one could look into their chambers. "When you are older you will need to know how our realm works. not everyone can be your friend" Valaena told them as she sat down on the chair which was falling apart 

"But we don't know them?" Aezura told them as she made her way closer to her mother. viserys wished to stop her and tell her how many people their father has executed for treason while working on Dragonstone 

"One day your father will help you for I am not that reliable for politics" Valaena said "Now come I'm sure lord redwyne  has prepared a feast for us" Valaena said as she took Rhaegar by the hand and lured him ou the room 

"Westeros will never except us" Viserys told his sister "Because we are foreign?" Azura asked "no because we ride dragons" Viserys stated with fury and tiredness over his voice. Aezura knew her brother was always on edge when it comes to outsiders outside of Dragonstone

"Vis they can't hurt us we are the blood of old Valyria if they try to burn us then we will burn them," Aezura said as she took a dagger out from her bag she brought and gently glided it under her dress out of view so no one could tell. Visrrys raised an eyebrow which Aezura caught 

"You're right. they will never accept us. We just need to prove them wrong even if it means fire and blood" Aezura said as she left the small chambers and went down the crooked stairs. Leaving Viserys alone with his tempted thought

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