03. pyre

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 AS THE SUN DIPPED LOW OVER THE HORIZON CASTING A FIERY GLOW UPON THE CLIFFS of Dragonstone, the family gathered around the pyre where Aerion now lays in eternal rest

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 AS THE SUN DIPPED LOW OVER THE HORIZON CASTING A FIERY GLOW UPON THE CLIFFS of Dragonstone, the family gathered around the pyre where Aerion now lays in eternal rest. Aezura, Viserys, and Rhaegar stood alongside their mother, Valaena, the matriarch of their house, each bearing the weight.

Aezura stared at the flickering flames with tear-stained eyes. She wished her father had more time to impart his wisdom upon her, to teach her the rules of ruling Dragonstone. But now, the burden fell upon her shoulders, and she felt the weight of it like never before.

Beside her, Viserys clenched his fists, his jaw set in determination. He had always yearned for the thrill of battle, and now, with their father gone, he saw an opportunity to pursue his dreams without the constraints of ruling. Aezura could sense his reluctance, his desire to escape the responsibilities that now lay before them.

"I will take care of everything," Aezura murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have enough on your hands husband"

Viserys glanced at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude "Thank you" he said softly, "but this is not a burden I can bear alone"

Rhaegar,stood silently beside his mother that's just where they always stood. Rhaegar always stood with his mother while Viserys and Aezura stood high by themselves. He had always been the peacekeeper, the one who brought balance to their family in times of strife. Aezura knew she could count on him to stand by her side no matter what.

As the mourners gathered around the pyre, whispers of doubt and concern echoed through the crowd. Some questioned Aezura's ability to rule as a woman, while others wondered when heirs would arrive to secure the future of House Targaryen. Aezura felt a surge of anger rise within her at the implication that her gender defined her worth as a ruler.

"This is not the time nor the place for such discussions," she declared, her voice cutting through the murmurs like a sword through flesh. "Today, we mourn the loss of my father, a man who dedicated his life to the prosperity of Dragonstone. Let us honor his memory with dignity and respect."

 Aezura pushed past Lord Celtigar, whose sly remark had sparked the controversy, and made her way to the solitude of Dragonstone Mountain. There, amidst the towering cliffs and swirling winds, she found solace in the presence of her dragon.

Balerion, the Black Dread, nudged his massive head against her side, his eyes reflecting the same grief that weighed heavily on her heart. Aezura reached out to stroke his scales, a sad smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"We will make him proud we will make all of Valyria proud" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the roar of the wind. 

As she gazed out over the sea, Aezura felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that her father's spirit would live on in the flames that danced upon the pyre and the dragons that soared through the sky with him no longer over her shoulder 

As the flames of Aerion's pyre cast their flickering light upon the somber gathering, Valaena found herself drawn to the quiet solace of the sept nestled within the walls of Dragonstone. Draped in a flowing blue veil that matched the depths of the sea and a silk dress adorned with the sigil of House Velaryon, she knelt before the altar, her heart heavy with sorrow and fear.

With trembling hands, Valaena reached out to touch the leather-bound tome of the Faith of the Seven, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings that adorned its cover. Bowing her head in silent prayer, she beseeched the gods for guidance and protection for her children, Aezura, Viserys, and Rhaegar, as they faced the daunting task of ruling Dragonstone in the wake of their father's passing.

"Oh," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the hallowed space. "May the Mother, in her infinite mercy, wrap my children in her loving embrace and shield them from harm. May the Father, in his divine wisdom, grant them strength and courage to face the challenges that lie ahead. May the Warrior lend them his valor in times of battle, and may the Maiden watch over their purity and innocence." Valaenas words were like waterfalls balling out of the women mouth

"May the Smith grant them the tools to build a better future, and may the Crone illuminate their path with her wisdom and foresight. And may the Stranger, in his enigmatic mercy, guide them safely through the shadows of uncertainty and fear" Tears welled in Valaena's eyes as she poured out her fears and hopes to the gods,

 her prayers a desperate plea for assurance in a time of uncertainty. She prayed for Aezura, her only daughter, She prayed for Viserys, her first son. And she prayed for Rhaegar, the gentle and loyal youngest son, to stand strong in support of his siblings, his presence a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

As the flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows upon the walls of the sept, Valaena felt a glimmer of peace settles upon her weary soul. Though the road ahead would be fraught with peril and hardship, she took solace in the knowledge that her children were not alone, that the gods themselves watched over them with loving care.

Rising to her feet Valaena offered a final prayer of gratitude and hope before making her way back to the pyre, where her family awaited her with open arms. For in the bonds of love and faith that united them, she found the strength to face whatever trials may come, secure in the knowledge that their legacy would endure for generations to come.

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