04. volantis

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DRAGONSTONE WALLS WERE THIN AND EVERYTHING COULD BE HEARD outside the council room the yelling from lord celtigar and the lady of Dragonstone was loud

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DRAGONSTONE WALLS WERE THIN AND EVERYTHING COULD BE HEARD outside the council room the yelling from lord celtigar and the lady of Dragonstone was loud. Rhaegar who was in the other room playing his harp could hear them over his beutuifl tunes 

"Keep playing" His mother told him, she didn't even look up from the book she was reading "they will soon calm down," Valaena said almost like she was used to their behavior everytime a council meeting was heard. she was

since Viserys and Aezura became lord and lady of Dragonstone, viserys had only been training with his sword leaving Aezura to govern in his place. yes, she wanted this she wanted to have some kind of power in this word that never allowed women to do anything 

"Lord Celtigar this meeting has proven useless to us" Aezura fired back at the old lord in front of her who never knew when to shut his mouth. "please consider this My lady," he told her across the table 

the other lords and ladies around the table sipped the wine they were given as they watched the common yells between the Lady of dragonstone and the Old man of house Celtigar, This would always be an eventual fight that was always bound to happen in council rooms

It had become so common that people even used to warn people before entering the council room about the fights the man always had with the young lady, nearly fifty years his junior 

"i have been sitting here in Dragonstone listening to all of you advise me on what to do while Argilac and his men wage a useless war on the Volantenes while the people in the free cities suffer Not only is this blocking the trade of food sources but it is also costing men and money should i go on?" Aezura asked the council of people that knew nothing about her 

Volantis is the oldest largest proudest and richest of the free cities of Essos located justnorth of the ruins of old valyria the eastern part of Volantis is inhabited bythe precious few who can prove direct lineage to the old blood of Valyria.

"Wealthy aristocrats get to live behind fused Blackstone walls and run the scenefrom the labyrinth of palaces courtyards towers and temples" Aezura's tone was threatening like she waiting for this moment her whole life which the council of mean dn women taken note of 

Volantis was the first colony of the freehold. the eldest daughter of Valyria. after the doom with the old blood laid claim to the empireand considered themselves the heirs to the freehold Toward the end the two leadership factions of Volantis.

 known as the tigers and the elephants, emerged the tigers wanted to conquest through warfare, whilethe elephants wished to achieve economic conquest through trade the tigers held the majority so they went to war against their free cities of lys and Myr adding them to their new empire.

hence causing rebellion that included the storm king himself 

"I leave on the morrow tell my lord husband." Aezura left the council room with her head up high. The room fell silent as she watched the Lady of Dragonstone leave the council room.

Later Aezura was joined in bed by her husband, who laid down next to her. They have shared a room since they were married but have yet to consummate it. both feeling they were too young and not ready for children.

"You are to leave?" Viserys low voiced asked her as she opened her eyes to make contact with his lilac eyes. "The storm King;s ships are blocking the blockade. I will be quick and take Balerion" 

"Tis not a good idea, Balerion has never seen battle," Viserys tells her. He had always been protective of his sweet little sister. she had the voice of a leader but had the heart of angel. 

"They claim to have blood of the old gods. whats to stop them from rising up for their emprier and taking dragonstone and to bond with a dragon? I will not have it" She tells him now sitting up from their shared bed which ausedd her husband to follow the same. 

"I've had the maester send word to pentos and tyrosh, I will ride by their side in exchange for the blockade for food and warriors to be broken and to protect us all from the stupid empire." She tells him 

Viserys just nods as he watches his sister ramble about her plans. admiring her

"You will not take any men?" Viserys asks her about help on the ground "This battle is for the salt and the sea. Daemon velaryon will be alerted" She told him lying back down onto the bed as viserys sighed 

"I promise you I will be okay" She told him before kissing him on the lips. He would never get used to the soft touch of her on viserys. she had the heart of fire but the sweetest and most gentlest touch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15 ⏰

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