𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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I walked back to my house since i died again and i was in my grave so ofc i had to get out since im alive now and everyone probably forgot it either way,im already getting tired of dying,its so annoying,at this point i should be dead or alive either way I fucking hate this cycle,it's already making me insane,i need to break the cycle but how?!,i open the door to my house and heard my parents arguing again,i went to my little sister room and saw her crying,even though i want to be dead,i would be so worried for her and this is the only thing im grateful for cause i have to take care of her until she gets older since my parents don't even fucking check on their kid.i hugged her while rocking back and fourth saying 'shhhhh its gonna be okay.'while kissing her head,it calmed her down making her fall asleep in my arms,im glad she is staying strong for me,this town is honestly hell,i put her to bed and make sure she is warm,i kiss her forehead and close her door while heading to my room,i knock myself to my bed while looking at the ceiling,oh i speak to much right?forgot to introduce myself but it is a wattpad story right? Lol kidding anyways im kenneth McCormick but call me kenny,i have this curse or power I don't fucking know but im a immortal more like a zombie but they are both kinda the same so it doesn't matter anyways every time i die i always end up in my bed or my grave,my mom gave birth to me,it could be any but its still annoying cause its like a cycle that never ends,also no one seems to remember when i die so when i come back to life,they just don't remember like it wipe them out,i just wish someone knew so then the cycle could break,and my three dickhead friends, stan,kyle,and cartman we have been together since hmm at least we were born!! And here we are now,17,can't believe it we made it this far,also it kills me (even though i cant die)that they don't know i come back from the dead but I did told them once and they only thought i was faking or going insane.oh i also forgot to mention butters my best friend but people barely know,me and him overshare our conversations and he is the only one who is worried for me whenever im off,he can just take one look at me and can already tell whats wrong with me even though i put on a smile,me and him hang out a lot when i feel distance from the group,he gives me his left overs and food all the time cause he knows im poor and i need to feed my sister,god i bet when he dies he is gonna be a angel,even though he is one already but still,my eyes began to get heavy and i knew i was sleepy besides i got school in the morning so I slept in peace hoping tomorrow is a good day.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

The sunlight hit my face while I groaned annoyed covering my face with my blanket ,everyday is so boring and empty,I don't want to go but i have to since it will help with college and other shit,i feel like shit,sometimes I wonder what's the point in living.Anyways I finally got off my bed and put on my regular clothes ,I walked to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror so I don't look like shit for school even though i am,i looked at myself and i just saw a fucking dead person that's walking around this town yet no one knows and he is exhausted.i closed my eyes wishing the day was over already so i can rott in my bed,I walked out of the bathroom and put on my shoes,I walked outside and head to the bus-stop,the snow looks peaceful and i like how the cold air goes on my face,i saw my three dickhead friends stan,kyle,and cartman,they soon saw me walking near.
"Hey kenny"stan and kyle said,i said hi back
"Hi kenny anyways you know there is beef with kyle and clyde,dude i hope kyle loses because he is a jew and probably can't even punch!!"cartman said while laughing and putting his arm around me,he just stared at me and faked chuckled.
"Cartman you cannot be talking because I literally fucking beat you up when you gave me aids and you know you're fatass wouldn't even try to punch!!"kyle said angrily.
"Oh yeah well lets see then!! You fucking jew boy!"
"Don't call like that!!! YOU FUCKING FAT SHIT!"kyle said while trying to hit cartman but stan grabbed his arms so cartman doesn't die from kyle.
"Guys can we just calm down and have at least a normal conversation"stan said struggling while holding kyle.They kept fighting while i just zoned out and just got tired of hearing all this,it made me want to sleep everything off,the bus arrived and we all got on,stan and kyle sat next to each other while cartman was sitting next to jimmy,i was still finding where to sit until i saw butters,he  had his knees on the sit while reading listening to music,I smiled and sat next to him,he noticed i sat down and smiled,he's smile is really unique and adorable,the dimples and his braces,his small but also kinda big lips that were Rosie,he has beautiful features that i have ever seen,its like seeing a painting portrait,his goldilocks hair thats really fluffy and looks soft,his beautiful sky blue eyes with long lashes thats full of love and kindness that he spreads,its like a angel,his cute button nose thats a little red from the cold i think but yet so cute,his full eyebrows just matches him so much while his beauty marks are on some random places from his face like one above his eyebrow,one next to his eye,one next to his nose and some others on his cheeks and one around his lip,god how can one person be so beautiful,i think i talk to much about his features sorry if you got bored but its not my fault i love someone.
"Hey kenny!,how are you?"he said with his adorable accent.
"Hii and im good,you?"
"Im good just reading soo whatcha did over the weekend?"he said.
"Thats cool"i said while looking over what he is reading, "and you know nothing as usually,you?"
"Same i only just went for walks and went to the cafe."he said. "Well at least you did something also what you listening to?" He just giggled, "well im listening to tree house by alex g." He said while smiling,I smiled as well, "can I listen with you?" He just nodded and gave me one of his AirPod while getting comfortable sitting,his music taste is so calming but this song seems to relate to him because it reminds me of him.he then layed his head on my shoulder,i looked at him blushing but smiling after because somehow being next to each other is full of comfort,as i lay my head on top of his,I smelled his hair cause it was soft and he smelled like vanilla or like nature,i just closed my eyes and wished I could stay like this forever.

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