𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬

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BUTTERS WAKE UP!!! My dad said screaming at me,i put my head up and rub my eyes letting the sun hit my face,I don't know why but i like it when the sun hits my face,its relaxing,anyways i got up and put on my baggy jeans with my blue sweater,then i just slip into my converse,I brushed my teeth and style my hair quick since i wanted to leave this anger household,then I realized everything from yesterday,kenny is alive,i love kenny,he was walking alive,gosh all this was just so unexpected,I grabbed my headphones and backpack,then I headed out the door not even saying bye to my parents for how much we all fight,i head to the bus stop and waited for the bus which took a while but it arrived,I started looking for a seat which was easy since i was mostly the 3rd person to get picked up so i like it when it's quiet,i pull out my phone and click my Spotify playlist,the song I played was called dear Arkansas daughter by lady lamb,i pulled my book called "things we never got over" which I enjoy reading these types of books,as mins past I didn't even realize there were more people in the bus,then i heard the main people of the school,stan the leader of the group,kyle the most aggressive one and is SUPER best friends with stan,cartman selfish,fat,manipulative person in the group,and the very last one ,my eyes stayed still on him,kenny,people don't have much to say about him only mention that he is a "whore" and really poor but i do,he is the most generous person i know,he loves the people that he cares about most,he works 3 jobs,he will always put others first before him,for all i know he could take my heart away,they head to their seats but i think kenny is looking for me,he saw me and immediately ran over to me like as if i have got taken away from him,he sat next to me, "hey butters"he said smiling but the tone of his voice sounds like as if he I remembered something or know something, "hi Kenny" i said akward, "kenny I didn't forget"i said hoping to make him happy or make me REAL smile,he looked at me shook but wanted to make sure, "are you fr?,no games right??"he said with a slightly excitement in his voice,i nod my head smiling,he immediately hugged me trying not to tear up, "ok enough of this,soo whatcha listening to?"he said like he wanted to listen as well, "just random songs"i said,i gave him one of my AirPods and let him listen until the song sweater weather came and surprisingly kenny loved it and i was happy he liked it,he kept listening and i was looking out the window until i saw him staring at me,I looked at him for a while and we made eye contact,then the part where it says "if i may just take your breath away" starts playing and I blushed so hard he looked away,i felt like an electricity between us,later on it felt different,its like he was nervous,it when on like that for the whole day which bothered me so much until I opened my locker to find a piece of paper,I picked it up and read it, "wanna hang out later,if so meet me at the front of the school-kenny! :3" I smiled the way his handwriting is messy yet still adorable for me!,i then head to the exit of the school doors,and saw kenny leaning against the pole while smoking, "heya kenny"i said while walking over to him, "hey butters sooo whatcha wanna do?"he said giving me the cigarette, "well you were the one that ask me to hang out with you"i said blowing into the cigarette, "wanna go to the lake?" Kenny said, "really kenny?,its too late to go to the lake besides its kinda cold"i said smiling, "comeonn it will be funn!"kenny said while pulling my arm, "fine but lets hurry up or then my parents will "ground"me"i said while trying to keep up with kenny, "ok well then LETS GOO"kenny said then grabbed my hand running, "kenny!I can't keep up!!"i said while laughing,it felt like all my problems went away and it was just the two of us,forgetting the world,we arrived at the beach or lake idfk,and we were both out of breath,kenny then took off his boots and played in the sand ,waiting for me to take off mine,i took off mine and kenny grabbed my hand and we head to the water,it felt relaxing even tho it was only our feet in the water but still,kenny then splash me water while laughing,i gave a glare that  says 'so thats how its gonna be huh?',i then splash him with water as well and we both laughed together while running,it felt like it was just the two of us,our problems went away,the air surrounded by our laughter,it was like I didn't have strict parents and he didn't have any worries about his parents,I wished this moment stayed like this forever,when me and kenny were finished,we decided to seat down on the sand and watched the sunset,it was so peaceful and beautiful i could stare at it for hours,i let the breeze of the wind hit me,making my hair blow in the air,the refreshing of life,as I opened my eyes,i felt eyes on me next to me,i looked over and saw kenny staring at me as if he saw the angels at the gates of heaven,i gave a confused look and wonder what is he thinking about.

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