𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬

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I woke up and realized we were already at school,god why now?,i looked at butters who was still sleeping peacefully,he looks so angelic with the sun hitting his face,i blush realize that i was staring too long,i began to wake up butters up.
"Butters we are here."i say gentle while shaking him lightly,he then open his eyes slowly trying to get up but as soon as he adjust himself the sun hits his eyes and i swear they were so majestic,i kept on staring as if i went to heaven,he then looked at me with those eyes and looked confused
"You okay kenny?"butters asked.
"Huh?oh uhh yeah!"i say nervously. "Ok well we should get out of the bus."he said. "Oh yeah you're right!" As we both got out of the bus,he's friend Bradley called him over.
"Oh i got to go kenny but talk to you later alright?"he said while smiling at me. "Oh.uhh yeah!sure,cool"i say while smiling but sad that he left because I wanted to talk to him more then my group called me over,I gave an annoyed glare but walked over to them,they were talking something that I didn't even pay attention to cause i kept on staring at butters while he laughs with Bradley,is that his best friend?,is he even interesting?,i think im jealous.i just kept on staring at them glaring while butters had to leave,yes!finally!
"Well we got to go to class guys before they give us detention again."kyle said,I realize i have two classes with butters!
"Yeah I agreed well cya guys at lunch!" I say while heading to class waving at them,i got history first period great i have the worst teacher now,I walked into class and saw butters there,I smiled uncontrollably while he just writes something,he looked up and smiled at me,i swear i just wanted to pick him up and ran away with him,i walked over to my desk which is like the back of the class,butters desk is like in the mid of class,class started and mrs.smith or whatever started the lesson,i just played with my pencil just thinking,i then looked over at butters and he was just taking notes,i love how he was kinda a nerd when it comes to school,i don't know how long i was staring at him but his side profile is so perfect,who even made this beautiful angel,definitely not his parents because they are full of dick shit but as i was saying his side profile is like perfection,his nose is ofc a button nose,beauty marks matches him well,his eyes sparking while the sun hits his eyes,his hair going on his face while he puts one behind his ear,god i just want to kiss every perfection of him,i should try to at least make a move so i could show sign to him because i think I really 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 him,its not a joke,maybe he could be the one to remember my deat- "KENNY MCCORMICK!!"mrs smith yelled while I flinched,i gave a glare annoyed.
"Pay attention or you will get sent to the office."she said. "Fine you fat fuck."I mumbled,I didn't even realize butters turn over to look at me if i was alright,i just wanted class to be over so i could hang out with butters,thats all i ask for bro,i kept on looking at the clock then it finally ringed,finally!!!i said in my mind,I packed my things and walked over to butters while he was also putting his things away.
"Heyy butters! I was wondering do you wanna walk to class together?"i said smiling while putting my hands in my pocket nervously.
"Oh?sure kenny!"he said while grabbing his bag,we walked over to our lockers while getting other things for our next class,we then just talked some random things to get to know each other.
"So if you wanted a piercing which one would you get?"i said. "Hmm that's actually a good one i would get a dimple back piercing because they seem so cool to me!"he said "wow they are actually cool,i bet they will fit you so well!"i said while smiling at him,he smiled as well, "soo what's something you hate or annoys you?"he said, "hmm when my parents fight and when people judge before they even get to know the person or not even know what they are going through."i say while looking down, "same, wow we got so much in common yet we are kinda different."he said while chuckling, "yeah you are right."i said admiring him while he just smiles.we then made it to class and started math,its was fucking boring but i ace at math,then next few minutes we just kept on writing notes and answering questions but i just waited until lunch starts.

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫.

The bell finally ringed and everyone rushed to head to lunch,same as me but i waited for butters and we walked to our lockers to put our things away then we just talked more while heading to lunch,im glad im getting close with butters so i could maybe try to tell him i love him but i need to make time for him,we then finally made it to lunch and saw our group,we sat down and everyone started to eat while talking, "HAH kenny has no lunch,you want some kenny,well you can't get any because you are POOR SHIT!"cartman said while laughing with his food in his mouth,i just glared at him angrily. "Cartman close your mouth its fucking disgusting."kyle said. "Shut up you fucking jew."cartman said, "stop talking to me like that YOU FAT SHIT!" Kyle said angrily,they both started to fight while i just zoned out until i heard a accent that I adore.
"Kenny you want my lunch?,im not even hungry"butters said while pushing his food towards to me,i just stared at him, "also I brought some food for you and your sister for dinner."he said,god this person is actually a angel,he is so kind I don't know how but he takes my breath away,I don't even know how to thank him but i just wished i could show him all my love by kisses or anything,one day i would give him the world whatever his heart desires. "Oh thank you butters,you don't know how much this means to me."i say while blushing, "its fine kenny whatever helps you and your sister."he says while smiling with such pure and kindness.i then smiled back wanting to hug him but i was too nervous. "Thats fucking gay."cartman said while being grossed out, "shut the fuck up cartman at least i ain't fucking fat."i said annoyed. After all that it was time to go home and im glad the day was over but kinda upset because i wanted to keep spending time with butters,maybe i should take him somewhere after school,as usually I didn't pay attention to class and just waited until it was time to go then the bell ringed and everyone ran off,guessing they all wanted to go home or hang out with their group/friends,anyways i was looking for butters around the halls but I didn't see him until i saw a Goldilocks hair in the corner of my eye,so i dashed around the corner and saw him talking to Bradley again.what are they even talking about?,how are they even friends,shit i sound so jealous,Bradley finally said goodbye to butters and I finally got to speak to him cause i look like a creep just peeking around the corner, "heyy butters!,soo i wanted to ask you if you wanna hang after school i wanted to show you something" i say while smiling while one of my tooth is gone, "oh?well i would kenny but my parents might ground me if im late." He said while smiling nervously, "its ok! It would be quick,we won't spend a lot of time!" I say trying to make him go, "hmm ok fine,let's go then!" He said happily,he pulled my hand running off to the exit of the school doors which made me blush because his hands are so warm than my cold freckle hand, thats has bruises with bandages,"soo where are we going?" He said looking at me with his eyebrow raised,i just ignore my blush, "oh right sorry ,follow me!",we then went to this hill where its close to the sign of south park entrance, "alright we made it!"i say while showing the view to butters,he just stared at the view like he couldn't take his eyes off of it, "wow its so beautiful kenny" he said softly while letting the breeze brush over him,𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦,i think I couldn't get my eyes off of him,his Goldilocks hair shining while his eyes are glowing through the sunset,its like a angel,god what is this fuzzy feeling,all i hear is my heartbeat through my mind and body,ears, "yeah i just thought why not show it to you since you're special." I say while looking at him with love eyes,he then turns over to me and just smiles, "you're special to me too kenny." I blushed, "butters why are you even friends with me? even though im like the background of my group,im basically a background character to everyone."i say just confused,he looks at me with pure of innocent, "kenny.. you are more than that,i think it's because people don't find you interesting or anything but i find it way more than you every think,what i see is a funny,humor guy,who is caring to his sister,actually has a heart for people,always feels bad when people are struggling,you actually try your best for everyone and your family,you put others first before you because you think you don't really matter but you matter to me a lot."he said softly,i just stared at him like he was the one who put the stars on the sky night,even his words are beautiful like him,how can this pure innocent,kind human even exist?, "I didn't knew you see like that but thanks,butters I don't know but you're the most kindest person i have ever met,I don't know how you even put up with all that bullying,struggling and judgment you get from everyone."i say, "thats very nice of you kenny and that's because i know some people have their ways of struggling with everything as well they just hide it,and people just do bad things,there is still some good in them."he says,i just looked at him,god his angels eyes sees the good in all evil,we didn't even realize that the sun was going down and i think he had to go home or he will get grounded, "shoot well i have to go kenny but thanks for everything,i loved it."he said while hugging me,i just hold him in shock that he hugged me,i could smell his scent,he smells like a garden mixed with coconut,I probably smell like weed with chicken nuggets,he then lets go and just smiles, "well byee kenny cya later!"he says while running off, "byeee!!"i say while waving at him,god im 𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.

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