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T; oh ehm okay. they turn so they are face to face
L; ehm so i have a daughter-
L; shh let me finish, and she is four years old and ehm she had daycare till three and i dont have a babysitter or something
T; okay well wait go back, she is four so you just had her and then you joined the LAPD? L; yes
T; and i just hear about her now?
L; mhm i didnt think it was something i should bring up because you know personal life free zone and stuff. i was going to tell you guys eventually but i didnt wanted to be that rookie with a kid
T; hm i see, well i have a solution to your problem you mentiont earlier
L; and that is?
T; just bring her here
L; no she is like a hand full
T; oh come on i can handle her for sure if i can handle your yapping all day *smiles*
L; OH well okay thank you i really appreciate that, ehm but could we pick up some stuff from my apartment?
T; ofcourse lets go
L; okay but wait you should eat something first
T; okay mom.
lucy rolls her eyes and walks to the kitchen L; what would you like?
T; just something like toast or something
L; i can make avocado toast?
T; sure.
tim also gets up from the couch and sits on the barstool at the kitchen island
T; are you really gonna let me do nothing? L; yes now tell me where the bread is.
tim laughs and points at a cabinet, lucy makes the toast and hands tim one
L; here you go, one for you and one for me. just about as she wants to take a bite a piece of avocado falls of the toast and lands on her white top.
L; oh great.
she picks the piece up and puts it on the island
L; now my shirt is dirty
T; you can borrow one of mine, ill get you one
L; okay thank you.
tim already ate his toast and he gets a shirt for lucy while she eats. tim comes back with a grey shirt of his and hands it to her
T; here you go
L; thank you ill go put this on
T; i could just turn around that way you dont have to go all the way to my room again
L; if you would do that please?
T; ofcourse. tim turns around and lucy changes
L; okay thank you.
tim looks at her and laughs
L; whats so funny?
T; that shirt is way to big hahahah
L; *she giggles* oh well

what if tim got ill and lucy took care of him?Where stories live. Discover now