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the next morning. tim wakes up first and sees that olivia is also laying next to him but on the other side and lucy and olivia are both fast asleep. lucy starts moving a little and looks up
L; what time is it?
T; well goodmorning to you too, its 7AM you should just go to work, ill look after olivia.
L; you sure?
T; yes 100%
L; okay ill go get ready then.
lucy gets out of bed and gets ready for the day and goes back to the bedroom, in the meantime olivia woke up aswell and she and tim are just cuddling
L; aw bradford has gone soft
T; what was that boot?
L; nothing, just saying that this is super cute T; well i maybe have a soft spot for kids
L; you sure do well im off to work
T; byee
O; bye mommy!
L; bye honey.
lucy goes to work.
T; so what do you want for breakfast?
O; waffles?
T; ofcourse anything for you.
he lifts her up and goes to the kitchen and places her on the counter
T; okay dont fall off okay because your mom will kill me
O; okay.
tim starts making the waffles
O; do you have a crush on her?
T; on who?
O; my mom.
tim turns red
T; n-no why do you think that? does she has a crush on me?
O; didnt say that, just asking
T; okay well the waffles are ready
O; okayy.
they both eat breakfast
T; do you want to visit your mommy when it is lunchtime? then you get to see everyone too
O; yes please!
T; okay well lets get you dressed.
they get dressed
T; what do you wanna do today?
O; target?
T; sure but ehm you dont have a carseat.. O; ill survive
T; okay but you arent sitting in the front okay?
O; *pouts* okay.
Gosh she looks like lucy thinks tim
T; okay come on.
he buckles her in and they go to target
T; you can pick out one toy okay?
O; okay thank you timmy.
she hugs him
T; do you want to sit in the cart?
O; ehm could you maybe carry me? mommy always does that too. tim sighs
T; okay..
he picks her up and grabs a basket with his other hand
T; we have to get some groceries first okay?
O; okay.
they get groceries and then they go to the toy aisle and tim puts her down
T; okay go look around. olivia walks around and sees a police car with a cop doll
O; i want this!
T; okay put it in the basket.
olivia grabs it and puts it in the basket
O; thank you Timmy! .
she puts her arms up and tim picks her up again then they head to the checkout and then they go to the car.
T; its around lunch time now, should we go to mom?
O; yesss!!.
they go to the foodtruck where the police always eats
T; if you go sit at that table i will get us food, do you want a taco?
O; yes please.
tim walks to the foodtruck and olivia walks to the table to see jackson and angela already sitting there
JA; hey little one, how did you get here?.
he asked while he picked her up putting her on his lap
O; timmy is babysitting me and now we are visiting mommy.

what if tim got ill and lucy took care of him?Where stories live. Discover now