The Undercurrents

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Getting those parts of you out of me is like pulling the top of a weed, it's sticky roots still stuck inside

I never wanted to be angry, never wanted to hold the rage you boasted about from your youth

I never knew that what I observed would take a hold in me, sub consciously, like underground currents

That in moments of extreme pressure, I would crumble, just like you did, over and over again

In some ways, it makes sense

You can't build a foundation on sand, and when your house is made of glass, it will always shatter

So now I dig down below, beneath the poisoned roots

I scoop these buckets of sand out, one at a time, with a little bit tumbling back down to the bottom every time it hits the top of the pile

I will persist though

I refuse to accept that I must plant these noxious weeds in my own heart, in my own family

I will build my own house, on solid ground, and the currents will move on by like they were supposed to

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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