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Douxie POV:

I was sweeping the floor of Merlin's workshop with a broom. Millie was picking up books and putting them in their respective spots with Leo on her shoulder, sleeping peacefully. I had a feeling once she was done, she would soon join me in sweeping.

While I was sweeping, I backed into an armored knight and knocked his helmet off. Millie looked over at the sound in panic and Leo jumped and hissed on her shoulder, but it soon turned into laughter when the knight took his head back from me. He sized me up and angrily shook his fist in front of my face.

"Uh-sorry." I nervously chuckle.

He gets back into his attention position. I hear snickering from the other side of the workshop. I look over to see Millie with a book in one of her hands, and her mouth in the other. When she sees me looking at her with a playful glare, she immediately quiets down and looks away and gets back to work, whistling, as if nothing happened.

I shook my head, a silly grin stuck on my face. I couldn't get mad at her, especially when she laughed.

I sigh and look around the room, muttering, "Blast it."

An idea popped into my head. I looked at my wrist to my magic bracelet. A grin spread across my face as I held out my arm, broom in hand. Millie seemed to notice, but she didn't grin. Instead, she gives me a

disapproving look. And I could tell Leo was doing the same.

"You know what Master Merlin is going to say." She said sternly.

" 'Master Merlin' is not here. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." I replied.

I enchanted the broom and it started flying around the room, sweeping here and there. She sighed and put her books down as I grabbed my lute and started strumming, plopping down on a stack of books. Leo jumped off her shoulder and sat on the table, giving me a you-seriously- did-that-even-after-we-told-you-not-to? glare. Millie then put one hand on her hip and the other pointed towards me. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a loud, "Hisirdoux! Millian!"

Suddenly, my broom swiped my feet from under me and I fell off the books. I heard Millie snickering again. My enchanted broom seemed to notice and swept under her feet too, causing her to yelp as she hit the ground. Leo hissed and swiped his paw at the broom.

"Apprentices! What have we talked about?" Merlin said as he walked in.

I sighed and stood up, Millie doing the same.

" 'Magic isn't a permissible shortcut to hard work.' " We both said simultaneously.

Merlin walked past us. "Carry on, and don't-"

"But master-!"

"-'but master' me." He finished, cutting me off.

"But, I know I'm- we're capable of more than just pushing a broom!" With that, my broom flew over from Millie and started attacking me, shoving me onto the table. Leo jumped out of the way and watched, a grin plastered to his face as if to say 'you had that coming'.

"Teach us to become proper sorcerers!" I gasp out while struggling to fend off my enchanted broom.

Millie came over and tried to pry the broom off me. Leo growled in protest.

"Ah ha!" I said, as Millie managed to get it off me for a second, allowing me to gain the upper hand on my broom. But, my smirk soon vanished as my broom slipped out of Millie's hands and shoved me back on the table. I heard a squeaky scoff from the familiar. I could hear the smirk on his face.

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