Witch Hunt

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Millie's POV:

"Have you any idea what you've done?" Merlin yelled. "I knew my apprentices were ignoramuses, but traveling through time? Time!"

"I think we handled ourselves just fine, all things considered." Douxie defended.

"It was your idea, anyways." I said.

"Well, then, you two must have botched it up! My planning is flawless." I raised an eyebrow at Merlin. Flawless? Yeah, right.

"For the record, Master," Past Douxie cut it with his squeaky voice. "I had nothing to do with this. He did, which is me, and...ugh! Time travel, so confusing!"

Merlin opened the vault and opened the Time Map. It was blue at first, but quickly flashed red. "Aah!" Merlin yelled. "The timelines are in complete disarray!" He said, walking towards us and placing the Time Map on the table to study it further.

"Look, we can fix this, I swear!" Douxie said, walking up to Merlin.

"Ah-ah, your meddling has already wreaked enough havoc on history." Merlin said.

"Then surely we can use the Time Map to change things back, and then it'll all be as it was." Archie suggested. But once again, Merlin had to dismiss it.

"It doesn't work that way. The map only offers glimpses of possible futures. There are no detailed instructions."

"Oh, come on, Master." I said aggravated as I walked up to them. "We haven't done anything to distort time. You're being dramatic."

"Yeah," Douxie agreed. "It's not that bad." He tried to reach for the Time Map, but Merlin's hand swatted it away and continued to study the map. Douxie held his hand and glared at him.

Merlin suddenly gasped. "By my beard!" He turned to us. "Not that bad, eh?" He stepped away to reveal an image of Arthur I never wanted to see again. It showed him dead on the ground.

"Oh, fuzz buckets." Me, Douxie, and past Douxie all cursed.

"Your little dungeon break must have changed fate. Now, unless I stop it, the king will die!" He slammed the door as he exited. I looked at Douxie with a concerned look. I did not want to let Arthur die again.

Tiny Time Skip

"They're hunting Jim!" Claire yelled, barging into the stables we had chosen for a meeting. Leo was with her and flew over to me. "If they catch him, he'll be killed!"

"I know," Douxie responded. "And he's not the only one."

"If Arthur dies, it's all over." I said. "And we'll be next on the menu if we don't stop this."

"Menu?" Steve asked, walking in. "Oh, no, was I supposed to bring food?"

"We'll all be eating a death sandwich, Steve." I tried to clarify. Though, I don't know why I bothered. He still didn't get it.

"Ugh, who would eat that? Gross." I sighed and turned back to Douxie for him to explain the plan.

He groaned at Steve's stupidity, but quickly got to the point as he opened the Time Map. "Look. If Arthur dies, we lose the Battle of Killahead and the war."

"Which will probably mess up time so much, you'll never be able to return home." Archie added. "So positive." Leo muttered.

An image of Toby showed up, then turned red and started to crumble to bits. I reached out on instinct, but remembered it was just an image and our Toby was fine and pulled my hand back.

"Oh, no! Toby!" Claire said. "What's happening to him?"

"Nothing right now." I tried to soothe her.

"But the future- our future is vanishing!" Douxie said, swiping through the Time Map. I gave him a look that I hoped said 'Really not helping here'.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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