History In The Making

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Douxie POV:

"What manner of sorcery is this?" The knight asked as he jumped off his horse. He removed his helmet and swung his head around, swooshing his hair about. Wait- Lancelot? Now that I think about it, why does he look like an older version of Steve?

"Wow!" Steve awed.

"Sir Lancelot, um-"

"He's so handsome." Steve cut me off.


"Wait!" I was cut off once again by Lancelot. But, I shut my mouth as he shoved his sword in me and Millie's faces. I subconsciously held her tighter.

"Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?" He asked me. Then turned to Millie. "And you his maid?"

"Apprentices." Me and Millie both said, annoyed.

"He's like an angel-man," Steve continued to awe. "Whoa." I think Steve leaned too far on Jim's stone and it cracked. He whimpered and pulled himself back. The stone began to crumble. Lancelot was the first to approach.

"The devil-?" He was interrupted by Jim's hand reaching out of the stone. Everyone gasped, including myself.

Jim sat up. "What? How did I-?"

"Jim!" Claire rushed over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Troll!" Lancelot shouted. "Troll! To arms!" They all shoved their swords further into our faces. I helped Millie up and stood in between Lancelot and Jim. But, Millie was still injured, so she had to lean most of her weight on me.

"Wait!" I yelled, outstretching one arm since I had to support Millie with the other. "Chill out, lads!"

"Chill? Out?" Lancelot gave me a confused look. Millie facepalmed. "Calm down." She explained.

"Take a breath, all right?" I say. "He's one of the good ones."

"There are no good ones." He shoved both of us to the ground. I lost my grip on Millie and she rolled to the other side of Jim, groaning as she went. I looked at her, then glared at Lancelot.

"Monsters are forbidden in Arthur's lands." Lancelot says. "You'll hang before the king for your insolence."

"Whoa, he even talks like an angel." Steve whoos. "Wait, what's an 'insolence'?" He grunts when a knight shoves him away.

The knights come closer, surrounding us. Two of them pick up Millie and drag her with them, since she couldn't walk.

Tiny Time Skip

"Let go of me!" Steve yells. "I want my one phone call! This place was cooler flying."

We walked into the square. "This place was cooler flying." Steve grumbled. People looked at us as we passed by. I sighed and ignored them. We didn't need this much attention, not if we were going to get back to our time. If Millie and I even have a shot at- Wait. Millie!

I had almost forgotten about her. I looked over and saw her unconscious form being dragged. I sigh. She must have fallen asleep during the walk. At least one of us was getting some rest. And, boy, did she need it. After all those injuries, I doubt she could have willed herself to stay awake during the walk even if she wanted to.

"Claire?" Jim asked groggily. "What happened? What are we doing at a Renn faire?" He tries to reach his hand to her through the cage, but gets burned by the sunlight. "Jim!" Claire exclaims, worried.

"We're prisoners in the, uh, Dark Ages." I answer. "I'd say, uh, mid 12th century with no way home. It's not an ideal situation." I smile nervously.

"Ideal?" Claire yells. "Jim has a shard of evil magic in his chest, and Millie's unconscious!"

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