Ending note

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To everyone who is struggling with finding their real selves:

I know, I know you're trying hard, I know how your body is an art of your own.

But you don't always have to use your body as a canvas of your emotions,

Its not about the patterns, it's not about how it's made.

I understand sometimes it's the only paint you could afford to create something that would numb your emotions without anyone knowing the artist.

I know it feels bad to look at it afterwards, but it also is a battle scar,

Because you made it after all that shit. Because you fought against the demon inside you telling you to give up.

But please don't hurt yourself in order to feel something.

Please don't cause yourself pain in order to get rid of it.

Because you don't deserve it.

You never have.

You have a purpose. It might seem hard at first, remember, we all have purpose, and we all have someone who will love us despite any flaws.

For some people that moment is yet to come, for some it has come but it's hard to spot where.

You can find your real self and heal your inner child.

I believe in you.

You are loved, and deserve all the happiness in the world.

Sometimes you just need to look a little harder to find it.


Love, CJ

I hope you have a great day & life ahead, and remember, I'm always here to talk.

Love y'allll

Above letter inspired by one of my late night talks with my offline bestie aeraverse who used to be a writer on wattpad but lost her account lol <3

Anywayssss hope you enjoyedd this short book babaiiiii

I feel like the story was kinda pointless but thn thats how i feel abt most of my works but yeah anyway-

Im talking too much 🤦‍♀️


*sending manyyyy hugs and kisses*

Hope you liked this book <3

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