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A small breath left me as I watched the small leaves slowly drop to the ground, one falling into my outstretched hand.

Giggles were heard as Jimin laid into my lap after chasing around a calico cat that ended up in our backyard.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled at me, and I smiled back, softly grazing my fingers through his hair, watching as he closed his eyes in content.

The weather was pleasant today, the sun not blazing hot yet warm enough to keep the world company, the white clouds lingering like thoughts in the sky.

"Hi.' I softly replied with a smile of my own, watching as Jimin's face scrunched up in thought, and admiring grin on his face.

"What's in that pretty mind of yours?" He inquired, lovingly staring at me.

"I don't know, just thinking back to today's session." I answered, reffering to my therapy session with Doctor Kim today.

I had thought I could heal by myself, but after alot of consideration and convincing from Jimin, I decided that I maybe needed a little push in the right direction, and therapy was the right choice from it.

My therapist was Kim Namjoon, a kind man with a comforting voice and cute dimpled smile. Despite me being skeptical and nervous at first, he had helped me break down all my negative thoughts, and I had been working towards living a healthier, better life.

It wasn't easy, but I was trying.

And so far it had been proving beneficial for me.

Like now, it let me enjoy the feeling of sitting outside instead of lurking in my home accompanied by thoughts.

Jimin hummed in approval, sitting up and kissing my cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm so proud of you, you're doing great love." He whispered, breath tingling my senses as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, I'm proud of myself too, i guess." I whispered back, afraid the tranquility in the air would disappear if either of us raised our voices too high.

Three months ago I could've never imagined living like this, that my biggest fear would merely be a insect or the fact that I would run out of my favorite snack.

I never imagined life would actually be enjoyable. But here I was, completely happy with my boyfriend, working a 9 to 5 job with him, spending our days together.

"Come here." He mumbled, pulling me to lay down, wrapping an arm around me, the other resting under his head as I placed my head on his chest.

There were a few birds chirping hear and there, the sound soothing and mingling with Jimin's heartbeat.

He kissed the top of my head again, and a small giggle spilled out of me, as I put my own arms around his waist.

We gazed at the sky in silence, until Jimin spoke up.

"Do you feel happy now?"

It gave me a thought to ponder over.

What was happiness? Wasn't it just a small fleeting feeling?

Something that bubbled in you from the bottom of your heart?

Made you feel like nothing could go wrong, even if only for a few moments?

It stemmed from the smallest things sometimes, like biting into a dessert or some chocolate after a long time, or just doing something you love.

Or being with someone you love.

If we look hard enough, happiness exsists in the smallest things.

So in that moment, as me and Jimin laid on a blanket in each other's warm embrace, breaths hitting each others faces as we gazed into each other's eyes, I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm happy."

The End

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