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Darkness was never a void for me, but rather a starry visage of thought, something to accompany your voice of mind, a place where you could feel light.

Darkness would be pleasing and shallow, my favorite thing when all exits were blocked, when we have no reason to hide. It would hug me and kiss me like a best friend.

And that's how I felt right now, light and airy and floating above visceral thought.

Until a gasp of air provoked within me and my eyes flooded open.

"You're awake." A soft voiced woman- in a nurse dress I realized- loomed over me, immediately noting down something in the notepad, and calling for someone.

My head hurt and my breathing felt choked, a stuffed feeling in my nostrils as I tried to take in oxygen.

My throat and lungs were burning too, I might add. And my hair was wet and sent shivers through my spine.

Where was I? Or more like- why was I here?

The last thing I remembered was texting Jimin and- oh.

Right. I jumped.

Thoughts hit me like a train and a sat up, breathing even heavier, ants crawling up my vision.

I had plunged into an abyss of despair, wanting my misery to end, but as my vision had darkened and soul had threatened to rip off my body, I'd felt strong arms encircling me like a saviour, pulling me out of the wretched nothingness.

The nurse calmed me down, helping me to drink water and take deep breaths as she straightened my bed for me.

I realized there was an IV attached to me, and it hurt a little.

I was also in a hospital gown, I noticed, and my eyes widened.

All the scars on my arms were exposed.

The nurse stroked my head with sickening gentleness, and murmured something to me I couldn't decipher.

My mind was in overdrive.

A doctor walked in, looking very young for his profession, yet his voice raspy and deep.

"Hi, Miss Kim Hwa Young I presume?"

He had pale skin, and minty green hair which looked soft t0 touch.

"Yes, how do you know my name?" My voice was croaked and a I gulped a little, trying to stabilize my vocal chords.

"Your friend is outside, along with the person who saved you. Questions later, I need to check your condition first."

He had a sharp tone, but it had an underlying gentleness to it, one of a caring person.

He asked me a few questions about my physical condition, assesed a few things here and there related to body pain and then after assuring all was well, he rmoved my IV since it was finished and walked out with the nurse.

Physically, I was feeling better.

But mentally?

Man it felt like everything was crumbling to ashes.

I didn't want to live, that's why I decided to jump off into that lake anyway.

The same lake my parents' car crashed into.

The same lake where misery was set in stone for me.

But once again, as the world around me began to darken once more with it's horrifying reality, a beam of sunshine dashed through the door like a fucking Sonic the Hedgehog.

Read at 11:50, Delivered at 11:51 Where stories live. Discover now