Geros ilas mandia

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Shaera and Daemon had awoken early and got dressed before going to join Rhaenyra who was sat eating her breakfast. They wondered where all the other children were her when Visenya, Rodrik and Joffrey sat down;  until they heard panicked shouts. Baelon rushed in holding three of Aemma's letters whilst Alyssa walked in slowly, like she had seen a ghost. She held her letter and Aemma's ring in her hands, tears slid down her face as Baela comforted her.

"What is going on?", Rhaenyra asked as she looked at the scene before. Baelon frantically gave his parents and Rhaenyra their letters.

"Aemma. She left in the night to kill Aemond, she wrote us letters saying her  goodbyes. She has accepted the fact that she may die-", Alyssa sobbed. Shaera got up from her seat and hugged her daughter as they sat on the floor when Alyssa's legs couldn't support her body anymore. Daemon read the letter aloud.

'My dearest parents,

I write this letter to you in hopes that once you read it I will have departed already, so that you cannot stop me. I am going to avenge Lucerys and Rhaenys and Jacaerys, I'm going to kill Aemond. I should have done it sooner but I wanted to wait for the right moment to leave. I have carried the heavy burden of my guilt for so long that it became unbearable. Thank you for being the best parents anybody could have every wished for, you both have taught me so much and raised my siblings and I into what I think is the best version of ourselves. I am sorry for leaving without saying a real goodbye, I would give anything to feel your embrace once more but I knew you wouldn't let me go. I love you both,

Your daughter Aemma'.

Daemon looked furious whilst Shaera sat, craddling Alyssa. Daemon stormed out of the room, leaving everybody stunned as they looked at Shaera for what to do. Baelon followed after his father, whom was gathering Dark sister.

"You can't",

"Get out of my way Baelon".

"No father. You cannot go it would break mother and Alyssa to have you die aswell",

"Do not say that, we do not know if she is dead yet. I must go and ensure that if she is still alive then she gets out safely; if not, her remains belong with us to decide what to do with them. I won't allow my little girl to waste away against the wind".

"Then I coming with you, three fully grown dragons against one is better odds at beating a dragon as large as Vhagar",

"No, your sister could already be dead. I won't lose you or any of your siblings. You must stay here and protect your mother and your queen".

"But father-",

"No, do not disobey me. I need you- my son I need you to make sure nothing happens to what remains of our family should anything happen to me".

"Daemon?". They both looked over to see Shaera stood across from them, her eyes red and puffy. Baelon went back into the room to give parents privacy whilst he comforted Alyssa and their other siblings with Rhaenyra's help.

"I'm going to bring our girl home, I will come back to you my flame",

"Then why do you sound as if you are saying goodbye?".

"You know why, my beautiful wife. I must go, I want you to know that if I die-",

"No, I cannot hear this".

"I need to know I told you this. Know that if I die, it is not the end for us. We will find each other again because nothing can keep me from you. I will try to come back to you, I love my flame",

"I love you. In this life and the next and however many more, we will find our way back to each other".

He kissed her forehead before she pulled him closer to her and kissed him like her life depended on it. A kiss, not of goodbye but of I will see you soon however long it takes. Daemon left the keep and mounted Caraxes, they were out for blood.

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