The end is near

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Daemon and Aemma conversed with Harwin about what they were going to do.

"I will stay and patrol the skies on Caraxes waiting for any sightings, when he turns up I shall be ready to end his pathetic life. I'm coming for his head, I shall use it to decorate a spike",

"Wait, no. You cannot take away my chance at vengeance for yourself".

"Aemma, this is not up for discussion. You are to return to your mother",

"But father-", Aemma whined.

"No, I understand that you want to avenge Lucerys. I know you are angry but you will listen when I say you are to go back to King's Landing",

"Surely you of all people know of acting upon rage. Why must you push me away when I am trying to help, to do my part in this war. Why are you trying to steal this from me?".

"Because what kind of a father would I be if I let my daughter get herself killed? I am not trying to steal anything from you but protect you so that we don't lose you",

"But even if I go back, we would lose you. Losing you would harden our hearts. Not only would we lose a part of ourselves to grief but it would break mother.  She was greatly saddened by the deaths of people she cared for but losing you would break her heart entirely".

"Perhaps that may be true but better I die than you. Now ready yourself for the journey back",


"Aemma", Daemon spoke sternly.

"Yes father". She spat before storming away from him and slamming every door she encountered. Daemon sighed as he heard her.

"Rhaenyra used to tell me stories of when the boys were younger, how Jace would storm out in a tantrum whenever he did not get whatever he wished. She would tell me that he always went to Laenor to get what he wanted when she said no and that he would come to her when Laenor said no",

"Laenor was their father just as much as you. He may have had longer than you but you will both always be their father".

"I never thought I'd see the day that the Rogue prince acted against his usual nature. You are a changed man in some ways, fatherhood has changed you",

"Tis not only fatherhood but Shaera. I changed for her, she deserves all the world to fall at there knees. She is a queen without a crown, a goddess put into this world to better it".

"We are more alike than I thought, we both would do anything for those we love. I have failed Rhaenyra and the boys and yet she still loves me. I do not deserve the perfection that is she",

"You have not failed her. If you were not the husband that Rhaenyra deserves then not only would she let you know but so would Shaera".

"I do not doubt that".

Whilst thinking of their beautiful wives, Aemma stomped back into the room. They thought she would yell more but she stopped abruptly before running over and hugging Daemon tightly.

"I love you Kēpa",

"I love you Aemma. I will accompany you then come back here once I know you are safe".

Unbeknownst to them, Alys was lurking outside the room awaiting details to relay to Aemond. Her visions kept chanting, at first she saw Aemma and Aemond die but then she saw Daemon instead of Aemma and then she saw flashes of vibrant blue that confused her greatly.

Whilst she was writing letters to her lover about the undecided future she kept seeing, Daemon and Aemma went to their dragons and flew to King's Landing.

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