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Aemma and Baelon stood worried as they watched Alyssa stare into the distance. The wailing of Silverwing and Aethalrax could be heard from the distance, their riders pain evident to all as they bellowed their powerful roars. The two concerned siblings stood outside the door of Alyssa's chambers.

"What are we to do? We cannot ask mother",

"I know, our mother is a changed woman now. Father's death has changed her and Alyssa".


"You cannot still be denying that he is dead, Aemma. Tis bad enough with mother and Alyssa, we do not need you spilling false claims".

"Our father is alive! I can feel it, he is not really gone",

"You are in denial-".

"Baelon! I am not! Our father is not dead, why do you not believe me?",

"If he is still alive then why is he not here?".

"I do not know but I just know that he still walks this earth, he has not left us",

"Aemma, listen to yourself. You sound like a mad woman. Now, can I trust you to go check on our mother whilst I deal with Alyssa?".

"Yes, dear brother", Aemma sneered at his words. Baelon had taken Daemon's role since he left for Harrenhal.

Aemma found her mother with Visenya, Rodrik, Joffrey, Aegon and Rhaenyra. They sat forming a plan of what to do, Rhaenyra sent envoys to the Eerie and Winterfell.

"Aemma, are you alright?", Rhaenyra asked.

"Yes, Baelon sent me here. He all but banished me, he called me a mad woman for believing that my father is still alive",

"He means well, im sure", Rhaenyra proclaimed. Aemma looked at her mother who kept her attention on her youngest children.


"Yes, dear?".

"Do you believe me? Baelon doesn't and Alyssa does not speak much to anybody as of late",

"I do not know what I believe anymore, Baelon is adhering to his newly found role and Alyssa is struggling as I am".

"He is not dead! I know it, I feel it",

"I wish to stop speaking of this-".

Shaera was cut off by shouting. Chaos engorged the city like wildfire, rioters spreading all over King's Landing. The guards ran inside the room as Rhaenyra went over to the window to see thousands of men swarming the keep and the Dragonpit that towered over everything atop the hill of Rhaenys. They believed that after the death of team blacks major asset that Rhaenyra could no longer protect them, many converted to supporting what was left of the greens. Aemma ran to get Alyssa and Baelon while Shaera and Rhaenyra gathered the younger children.

They all gasped as they saw the door being barged against, Shaera pulled the painting in the corner of the room to reveal yet another entrance to Maegor's passages. Rhaenyra led at the front with the children following whilst Shaera closed the painting just as the door bust open. They heard more shouts of their whereabouts from the rioters. Alicent turned at the sounds, she looked up through her bruised eyelids to see herself being released and dragged by her arms.

They all emerged at the back of the castle, they ran down the stairs as quickly as possible.

"How are we to get to the dragons?", Baelon asked

"By remaining unseen". Alyssa answered, whatever Baelon had said to her struck her with a newly found energy.

"How do we do that?",

"Covering any aspect that shows who you are, we need cloaks and fast".

"Or a distraction".

Upon hearing the word distraction, Joffrey took off running.

"Joffrey!", Rhaenyra screamed. The boy kept running, he looked up upon hearing Syrax. The she-dragon felt Rhaenyra's worry. In an attempt to mount his mother's dragon, Joffrey was thrown from its back. Syrax, being unaccustomed to anybody but Rhaenyra, flung the boy to his death. The soft whisper of mother left his mouth as he hit the hard ground. Syrax quickly joined as arrows flew, piercing her underbelly as she thrashed from the previous action.

"What are we to do?",

"I do not know".

"We need to go now",

"We might make it to our dragons if they do not get shot down first".

"We must go now".

They all ran as quickly as they could to the clearing, their dragons decended from the skies. Rhaenyra joined her aunt on Aethalrax as they all flew away from King's Landing. Rhaenyra watched as her home burned, the memories she had of her childhood, her parents, her children. Everything she had once known and what she learned about being queen was rattling her mind as she watched it burn.

The greens army believed themselves to be leaderless and so named Daeron the Prince of Dragonstone. The two betrayers believed that they were entitled to the name of King, their dragons Quicksilver and Grey Ghost were largely bigger than Tessarion. Whilst Ulf planned Hugh's coronation, their men started screaming at the image of Addam and Seasmoke engulfing them in flames. Due to the death of his remaining child, Corlys fell into madness once more. He took it upon himself to make Daemon's death a reality, Corlys blamed Rhaenyra and by extention anybody affiliated with her. Daemon, despite his injuries stopped Corlys. He gave his once ally, an honourable death even if it was undeserved. Daemon found a raven that Corlys has received that informed him that his family had escaped from King's Landing, only problem being that it would be even harder to find them. Daemon was determined to find them, he would travel to the end of the earth for his family, his children. His wife, his flame; he would always claw his way back to her.

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