Crown and loss of glory

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Shaera and Daemon were atop Aethalrax watching their children fly infront of them. She worried about their safety, King's Landing and Dragonstone, once their homes were overrun by the greens who think themselves entitled to usurp the throne. Rhaenyra opted to travel via a ship, she had not wanted to be separated from her son even if it would have been smarter to travel on one of her cousins larger dragons.

Leaving Driftmark was not the same to Shaera. All the times she had visited Rhaenys and Laena playing in her mind as Aethalrax's large blue wings flew further away until High tide became distant. The image of Baela and Rhaena on her mind, she wondered if they had survived and prayed that Laena's girls had made it.

After some days of travelling, Rhaenyra and Aegon decided to take residence in Stokeworth for the night after being denied entry at Rosby. Thinking they were safe was apprehensive, several of her loyal knights and gold cloaks were murdered by attackers.

With the remaining knights, Rhaenyra and Aegon fled to Duskendale. They were allowed in but weren't permitted to stay long. Rhaenyra felt she had lost too much already, she wouldn't lose another son aswell. She wanted support and comfort that she had always known, she wanted her aunt. Knowing that Shaera had likely arrived at Braavos already, she sought a ship. Having no coin with her, Rhaenyra sold the only thing of value she had; the golden crown atop her head. She could see so vividly in her mind when she was crowned. All the times she had seen the glimmer of the dragon sigil in the middle of the crown when Viserys wore it, sitting on the throne. It was more than a crown to her, it was her destiny and it was Viserys' legacy. The crown was more than a valuable object to her, it was a symbol of her ascent to power. It solidified her claim after being names heir. So hard she had fought to crowned and yet here she was losing her symbol of power, losing the one thing she had left of her father. She sold the crown with a heavy heart, a ship to Braavos was procured but before they could reach their destination were intercepted when passing Dragonstone.

Alfred Broome brought Rhaenyra and her son to face the burned flesh that remained of her half brother and the wounded Sunfyre. Rhaenyra stood with her head held high towards usurper, her eyes held a ferocious hatred.

"Dear brother, I had hoped that you were dead",

"After you, you are the elder".

Sunfyre lay in pain from his injuries, seemingly uninterested in Rhaenyra at first. Aegon ordered that his men cut Rhaenyra's breast, blood seeped through the cut to her chest. Smelling the blood spiked Sunfyre to do as bid; Rhaenyra was burned with her head held high once more, never did she bend her neck to the false king. Sunfyre devoured her in six bites, the sickening crunch of her bones audible to them all. Aegon older laughed as he watched his dragon eat his older half sister. The only thing that remained of the queen was the bottom half of her leg. The short, half a year reign of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was put to an end but her cause continued.

Aegon the younger collapsed at seeing his mother die, loud screams for his mother, he was grabbed in chains and held hostage. The sickening memory of Rhaenyra's death haunted his every waking moment. Nausea settled in his whole body every time he heard Aegon's loud laughter when he yelled Dracarys and Rhaenyra perished by Sunfyre's golden flames. The loud cheers of Aegon's supporters could be heard from his cell that he shared, Mysaria was captured by Aegon's men. The white wyrm sat smirking at the plan she and Shaera had set in motion, she was amused at what awaited Aegon the older when he went to King's Landing.

"Long live King Aegon, second of his name".

Days after, Sunfyre died of his injuries on Dragonstone's beach. Aegon began to plan his return to King's Landing, his mother awaited there locking herself in Helaena's chamber. Alicent sat staring at the window that Helaena's body had been found underneath. She cried as she looked over the ledge that her daughter had jumped from, the lapping of wind blew her auburn heir as she looked down. She fell backwards into the room when the image of her poor daughter impaled by the metal spikes entered her mind.

Borros Baratheon, the once supporter of Rhaenyra after Lucerys and Aemma went to Storms end; gathered his men and seized order of Kings Landing on behalf of the king. Aegon traveled to King's Landing soon after, seated at the bottom of the throne. Due to his injuries, he couldn't bare all the stairs; he struggled like Viserys had previously. Aegon's only remaining heir was his daughter Jahaera; the only foundation of his own claim to the throne being he was the first born son, he couldn't name his daughter his heir and so Aegon vowed to marry Borros' eldest daughter in hopes of procuring a male heir. Aegon imprisoned Aegon the younger and Mysaria in the cell that once held his mother.

Despite getting Aegon to King's Landing safely, the battle of the Kingsroad ended Borros Baratheon and his men. King's Landing was left with minor defences against the approaching supporters of Rhaenyra. The lads who killed the Stormlands soldiers were closing in whilst Cregan Stark began to travel south after hearing of Rhaenyra's death. An army from the Vale was sent by Lady Jeyne who heard of Rhaenyra's death, she worried for Shaera. She worried not for Shaera's physical health but her mental state and for what would surely happen when she hears of her niece's death if she hadn't already.

As a warning to the approaching forces, Aegon the elder ordered that his nephews ear be cut off and sent to them. He claimed that if his bloodline die, so would Rhaenyra's. Aegon feared what would happen, even after Rhaenyra was dead, she was still beating him. He knew it would only be a matter of time when Shaera came after him, and now to find out Daemon did not die when Aemond did, Aegon was furious and also fearful.

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