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Hi, I'm Joey.

My first fanfic ever. So don't judge on the beginner mistakes, I'm in training still (lmao).

This story will mostly be a lot of angst and fluff. Maybe I'll put some 'different' type of parts in it, but angst is the main thing.

Anns life is a mess. Danny saves her and she gets into a weird situation. Happily him and his friend group support her in any way possible. Something grows between the two. But is it the right thing? Or is it a fairy tale, too good to be true?

Almost all of the chapters won't be announced. I'll post when I post, due to a messy life, maybe more on holidays.
Otherwise I'll put posting days on this page:

Also a good note,
For each chapter I will put trigger warnings up, mostly they'll be the same, but otherwise you will notice.

Now the characters:

Ann, a 16/17 y.o. girl whose life is a total mess. She isn't sure about anything and struggles a lot while she tries getting to know herself and discover life. She is pretty depressed and tries to escape the thoughts in her head as much as possible.

Anns mom. A complicated woman sho cares a lot about her daughter. She works 2 jobs and is a hard-working, loving mother.

Eve. Anns ex-bestfriend. They recently split up and miss each other very much, but are both scared to reach out.

Danny. The DannyPhantom.exe, a 20 y.o. who has a chaotic mind, but finds peace in small things. He can be very outgoing, intelligent, and loud, but is mostly a pure introvert.

Arny Parsons. Birlap_. The perfect virtual boyfriend or best friend as he describes himself. He is 23 y.o. and is even more introvert than his 'besto friendo' Danny. He is a protective and cares a lot about people close to him.

Nick Meyer. NickMeyer, another one of the friend group about 24 y.o. and the one who had a great glow up. He has a great sense of humor and is always in for a joke.

Pete. WholeWheatPete is a different type of the friends, but that doesn't mean he is isn't as funny and sweet as the others. He is about 23 y.o. and loves to watch anime and do cosplay with them.

Julia. One of the girls finally. Along with Stella and Lena she will always bring some taste into the conversation, as one of the extraverts.

Brandon. BrandonTheLover. The last member to be introduced for now. He is about 24 y.o. and is also known for his social media influences.

Now that we've introduced most characters, let's get into this story. I hope you enjoy. If anything is missing, should be added or you just have a comment, feel free to leave it behind.

{Completed} DArnny Series (Angst) (DannyPhantom.exe)Where stories live. Discover now