Chapter 8 You Did What?!

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TW: D3pr3ssion and language

After a drive of almost 2 hours we drive through my neighbourhood. Where the hell was I supposed to go from here? Was I just going to show up with two random dudes? Was I going to tell my mom anything? My mind goes at the speed of a deer, running from a lion. Way too fast. My heart beats as fast as my mind, maybe even faster. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, show up at my house, though I lied to her? It wasn't just a 'I bought something stupid and expensive' I mostly had, which I already found too heavy to tell her or keep from her. But I didn't want to ruïn our relationship by keeping things from her. Sometimes, people you love are judgemental, but what do you do with that? Is there even a right answer or action?

I want to stop my mind from thinking, but I have nothing to distract myself with.
"Arrived at destination" The navigation said. Raising up more axiety in my body than ever before.
I feel like having a panick attack. And believe me, I have the best relationship with my mom, but these kind of situations I'd rather skip.

Danny stops the car in the parking spot in front of my house. He looks at me, a little concerned as I stare at my house.
"You okay?" He asks me. As I was staring out of the window at my house, I turn my head around and meet his eyes, but holding eyecontact wasn't my best quality if I was nervous.
"Yeah, so- uhh, thanks for the ride." I start struggling in my words.
"Are you scared?" He questions my behavior in a serious way.
"No. Of course not why would I be scared?" I backfire his question, trying my best to hide the wavering in my voice.
"I'll go with you. If that's alright?" He suggests.
I think about it, but it doesn't seem like the best idea, maybe even a worst case scenario.
"No, you don't need to." I answer him.
"Okay, well, I already put my phone number on your new phone. So you can text me at any time."
"Okay, thanks. Bye." I open the door and step out of the car. I look back and wave my hand at them.
"Bye, Arny." I add.

I close the door and walk up to my house. My mom's car was there, so I know she is home. I lost my keys, so I also have no idea how I'm going to explain that. When I reach the front door, I flinch when I see the door open. My mom stood there looking at me with a worried and angry look. I knew it was going to be rough, but I didn't expect it to go downhill this fast.
"Where were you?! I was at Eve's house, but you weren't there. And when I asked Eve and her mom, you haven't come over in 3 months!" She yells. Her face wasn't worried anymore, it was just anger at this point.
"I-I..." I had all the time to think of a lot excuses, however none of them seemed worthy enough right now. I feel the pressure of speaking building up, feeling tears fill my eyes, my head glowing red.

I hear the car door slam. I look back to see Danny walking up to us. Oh fuck. He strokes his hand through his hair, forming his mid-length hair to get into style. My moms eyes turn to him as she says: "Excuse me, who are you?"
Danny says nothing until he stands against her and takes his hand out of his pocket.
"I'm Danny." He says in a serious business-man kind of way and tries to get her to shake his hand.
I look at him. Why did he get out of the car? He meets my eyes. "What are you doing?" I mouth to him as my mother gets suspicious of us. He raises his eyebrows. Did he even have any idea what he was doing? Oh my God. My mind was exploding of anxiety.
"Ann got into a small accident, I was there to help. It's a long story, but she's fine." He made up. I pray to God he doesn't snitch on me.
"Are you serious? What happend?!" She continues yelling, turning back into the concerned version of herself.
"Like I said, long story." He answers and looks at me.
"Do you want to come in?" My mom offers.
"Th- uhhh." He hestitates and looks at the car. We see Arny in the back, with a lowered window, hoping to pick up some parts of the conversation.
"Can my friend and dog come in?" He asks her.
My mom looks at me confused, being way to confused of the situation. I try avoiding her eyes, I was really embarrassed. She was obviously surprised by my behavior.
"Sure." She tries to sound confident, but she is not. I knew that tone.
"Yo, Arny! I'm going inside, wanna come?" Danny yelled to the car. Arny doesn't respond and looks away.
"I know you heard that, so just come. I'm locking the car." Danny adds. Arny opens the door and takes Uki with him as he gets out. Danny pushes the button attached to his keys, locking the car. Arny walks up to us and hands Uki over to Danny.
"Arny." He introduces himself to my mom. She lets them in and tries to take me apart, but I was way to quick following them on their way in.

I sit down on my couch, giving Danny and Arny an uncomfortable look. I was low-key ashamed of my house. It was always a mess, even if we had just cleaned it.
Mom sits down on the black chair next to our couch. She crossed her knees over each other, she was going to hear us out. Why is she acting like this? I hate it. I love her, but when she puts up an act like this-

"So, tell me. Why were you out of town?" She starts with a motherly tone. Not a tone a mother would use, a tone a passive-agressive mother would use.
"I was feeling a little bit off, so I took the bus to clear my head-." I use as an excuse that was partly true.
"You were running away." She interrupts me.
"You wrote that in your diary." She continues.
"You did what? You read my diary?!" I begin yelling.
Arny and Danny look at each other with an awkward face. I feel stupid for yelling, but my anger- and trust issues were taking over.
"I know I shouldn't have done that, but-"
"That's right! You shouldn't have!" I snap at her.

I storm out of the room leaving Danny and Arny with Uki on his lap on the couch. Danny jumps up and follows me into the hallway.
"Ann! Ann stop!" He says in whispertone. He puts his hand on my shoulder as I flinch again.
"Woah, you're tense." He whispers.
"Listen, I don't know you and your mom. But this isn't the right thing to do, trust me." He continues.
I feel so betrayed and angry, that I can't even turn it into sadness anymore. How could she go through my stuff like that?
"I don't want to be here tonight." I tell Danny.
"I know. I know the feeling. But you have to talk this out with her."
"What is there to talk about? She went through my stuff! My private stuff, a boundary she clearly doesn't respect." I made my point.
Danny looks at me. He didn't know what to say. I stare down the hallway, waiting for my mom to appear around the corner, but she doesn't. That is how much you care, right? I think to myself.
"Hey." He whispers.
"You aren't leaving tonight. You are making a choice you'll regret." He adds.
I look at him. His chocolate-brown eyes were to drown in, distracting me from everything going on.
"Listen, you are not leaving. Not tonight. I'll be going home, you can call me whenever you like. But I need you to promise me to actually do that." He raises his pinky.
I look at him, my eyes were turning wet and puffy.
I interwalk our pinkies.
"Now we gotta go back in there. Arny is probably very uncomfortable." He laughs. I loved that side of him, if things were dark, he made a joke to lighten the mood. I smile and go back into the livingroom with him.
"Your mom's in the kitchen." Arny tells me.

I don't think about sitting down and go directly into the kitchen seeing my mom stand at the sink. A concerning scenario to see for me. She was serious as fuck, making my nerves break themselves down.
She turns around. Her eyes are wet and red. Oh God, I tell myself. Here come the waterworks.
"I didn't want to do it I swear. I was just worried." She says almost sobbing. I have no energy left for this. I 'accept' her appolagy. I walk up to her and give her a hug, which of course, she takes.

"So, who are these guys in my living room again?" She pulls herself together. I laugh, but I was scared to tell her what actually happened.

P.B.S. 03/12/2024

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