A little date

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Lesso and Dovey have a little date in the garden, watching the sun set.
No warnings needed.

Clarissa PoV:

You can't imagine how frustrating it is to get Lesso to understand something. I am not saying she is dumb, but everything that has to do with emotions, is a complicated toppic. It is as if you are teaching a little toddler to say the abc.

I looked at her and she looked at me. "And that should tell me what excatly?" With a sigh I looked down, shaking my head. We stood in a hallways, just casually talking about this and that.

"You really don't get it?" "No? Should I?" I looked up at her and it was as if I looked into the face of a young puppy, not understanding the world yet.

"Yes… Yes you should Lesso." She looked to the side, her face showing me the signs of her thinking deeply. It was cute to watch. She always got those little nose wrinkles, which made her look so adorable.

"…no. I still don't get it." I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Lord, Lesso. I said I want to have a date with you!" The near by students all looked at us and I blushed a bit, looking to the side.

"You… want a date?" I nodded, looking around, before grabbing her hand and pulling her into a near by class room.

She tilted her head at me as I closed the door. "What? I don't need the whole school to know about my private life." There was a soft chuckle, which made me smile.

"So…? What do you say?" "To what?" I gave her a short look of disbelieve. "Please tell me you are kidding." "Of course I am Princess. Even I understood what you wanted by now."

I smiled, breathing out. "And?" "I… am not sure. I mean, you know that feelings are not really a thing for us Nevers." She leaned onto her cane, giving me an exhausted look.

"I know Lesso, I really do. But comon…" I stepped closer to her, looking up into her eyes. "Even the most evil villain could see that there is something between us."

Her eyes were soft, her face slightly light, not the cold and demanding mask she showed everyone else. "Just one date. And if you don't feel what I feel then it's okay."

I placed my hand onto hers, feeling her cold soft skin. "Okay. But only this one date." With a wide smile, I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her down into a hug. She was still a bit stiff at the whole hugging situation, but she never pushed me away.

I leaned back and looked into her eyes, blushing slightly. "I will pick you up tomorrow at six?" "Why so early?" She looked at me confused, to which I only rolled my eyes.

"I mean in the evening." "Ahhh. Yeah, that makes more sense." We both chuckled and I shook my head. "And what will we do?" "That's a suprise for now." I gave her one last smile, before I walked out of the class room, leaving her behind.

Leonora PoV:

The next day couldn't come soon enough for me. This whole feeling thing was still new, but I couldn't deny that there was something that I felt for Clarissa. I just wasn't sure if I should allow myself to feel it.

I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure my tie sits right. It was a few minutes before six and I have to say, I was nervous.

Looking at me one last time, I stepped away from the mirror and grabbed my cane. "Just act natural Leo, you got this." The minutes felt like eternities before I finally heard the knock on my door.

"Lesso?" I froze, unsure of what to do. "I, uhm, I-I, yes. Uhh, c-come in!" My cheeks got slightly warmer and I looked to the ground.

The door opened slowly and I looked back up. Clarissa walked in, looking beautiful as ever. She was wearing a soft golden dress, her hair down and this loving smile on her lips.

"Wow." We both said in the exact same moment, which made us chuckle. "You look beautiful." I said without thinking, blushing lightly. "I-I mean-" "Calm down Lesso. You are allowed to give me compliments."

She placed her hand onto my shoulder, her perfume surrounding me. "Can we go?" I just nodded, watcing her as she interwinded her arm with mine.

"Where are we going?" "Like I said before, it's a suprise." We started walking, her leading the way over into the school for good and then outside into the garden.

"We are gonna have a little picnic." She pointed her hand down at the blanket and the basket with food and drinks. I smiled slightly, sitting down with her.

"I hope you like it. I thought we could talk a bit and eat while watching the sun set." I looked at the sun, before turning my head back to her. "I do like it. It's… sweet?" She chuckled, placing her hand ontop of mine.

"This is how you say it, right?" "Yes, yes it is." She took her hand back and started to unpack the basket. I watched her, my eyes taking in how her curls shined in the setting sun light.

"We have some biscuits and I baked some muffins. And we have tea." "But I-" "I know. That's why I have some coffee here for you." She handed me a thermos flask.

I took it, looking a bit baffled. "T-thank you…" She gave me a little wink, before pouring herself a cup of tea.

We both started to eat some biscuits, watching the sun set in silence. It has been some time since I last felt so at ease in my life. And she just managed to give me that feeling with some biscuits and coffee.

I turned my head to look at her, before carefully interwining my hand with hers. She looked down at them, before back up at me.

"Do you feel what I feel?" I nod slowly, scooping a little closer to her, not letting go of her hand. "I… Yes. I do." She gave me a soft smile, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"So, if I would ask you for a second date, you would say…?" "Yes." I didn't see her face, but I knew she was smiling widely. Because I was smiling myself.

It was still an unusual feeling for me, but I slowly grew to enjoy it. And to enjoy the time I spent with her.

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