Is it over? No, no it's not.

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Percy was tired, he really wanted to just fall on his bed, sleep and never wake up. It would be nice.

He knew this day would come, but he didn't want it to, who would?

He couldn't help but freeze at Luke's lifeless body. 

He couldn't help but shed more than one tear, knowing that maybe, just maybe, he also didn't want it to end like this, but it was over, right? 


He was quite certain that he was never going to participe in another war, or have to fight gods again, he would be able to chill, finally.

Percy, deep down, knew he would have to fight again, he knew he would offend someone, and he would need to fight for his life. He just didn't want to.

 If he happened to die right here and now, it would be fine. There were more demigods out there.

But it wouldn't be fine, he'd have to leave his mom behind, and Annabeth, and Grover, and his friends.

He wasn't going to do that, ever.

Then the world started spinning.

Percy felt as if he would literally explode, but not the normal kind of explosion, the "I just looked directly at a divine being and I'm going to die" kind.

His breath shock, and the world went black. Only sound being the ringing in his ears.

It was agonizing minutes, or hours? or even seconds?

He couldn't tell.

He thought he could see, but no, but yes, like the world was a weird tickling bomb, what?

And like it came, it was gone.

Before he knew it, he was on the ground, someone was calling his name?

He opened his eyes, (when had he closed them?) and looked behind him.

Annabeth was calling him, Grover supporting her, oh, right, she had damagd her leg..? 

They looked... worried? He was fine! there was no need to worry. Right?

He felt great. Actually, he hadn't felt better, ever.

It was nice, very nice indeed!

They didn't need to worry about him.

Everything was fineeeee... oh right, Luke was dead.

Okay, fuck, fuck fuck. Fine, fuck.

A second later, the gods burst through the door, looking like they expected some big fight. Percy could swear he saw a bit of disappointment in a few faces (*cough* *cough* Ares *cough*)

"Percy" HIs father said, impressed? why? WH- "What... What is this?"

Percy ripped his eyes from the mangled corpse and looked at The Olympians.

"We need a shroud" He announced, voice breaking. "A shroud for the son of Hermes."

Percy has time. (quite literally)Where stories live. Discover now