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The time is almost over.  I'm already in my 10th grade. It just happened so fast that I didn't even realize when it actually happened. WOW!  I'm so happy. But my only reason to be sad is that I and Riele are in different departments - she's doing science while I'm doing arts and we are no longer in the same arm anymore. So I closed my locker and went for classes. On my way to class, I met my friend Ryan on the way and we greeted each other.
  " Hey dude, what's up?" He said as we gave each other a high five.
   " Well, what can I say, still the way you kept me." I responded positively.
  "Nice" as he brought out a case from his bag.
  "Dude,check out what I bought for my girlfriend!"as he opened the case and I saw a silver necklace.
  " Wow! It's nice. Wait you've got a girlfriend?"I asked feeling shocked.
  "Sure. Haven't you got one?"he asked
  "No. I've never thought of having one" I explained.
  "Really? What about that  friend of yours?!I guess her name is Riele. Isn't she your girlfriend?"he asked in confirmation.
   "No. Riele and I are just friends. She's not even my bestie" I explained.
  "Don't you think it would be nice to make her your girlfriend? I mean you guys are so close just take your friendship to another level" he suggested but I really didn't see a sense in what he said.  I like the fact that we are just friends_______
   " I never actually had such feelings for her and I don't think I will" I concluded.
   " See Jake, you'll surely need to have a girlfriend one day. It isn't wrong" he tried convincing me but I didn't really fall into it.
  " Well I'm not ready for that life right now. I want to study. Thanks for your kind advice" I left immediately I heard the bell for geography class...


****...          ****...          ****...

I went outside and sat down pondering on what Ryan had told me.  Should I really make Riele my girlfriend?_____
   "I mean she's really nice, cute, intelligent and she's got all the quality any guy good wants in a girl. And I also love her so can't I ask her?  I'm sure she won't turn me down"I soliloquized and in the center of this whole soliloquy, I noticed that someone tapped me. I turned around to confirm who. It was Riele. Speaking of the devil and the devil appears or should I see speaking of the angel. She can't be a devil______
  " Oh hey Riele. I was just thinking about you right now" I said with a smiley facial expression.
   " Wow! Really!  so good to hear. Well, I bought you lollipop and some snacks.  Do you care for some?" she inquired
   "Umm! Sure if you want to give me"I accepted as she brought out two biscuits and the lollipop from the bag.
" Here take it "she handed me over the snacks.
  " Thanks"I appreciated while collecting it from her. That's the kind of girl I want. While I was thinking about all of this, the bell that signified that the break was over went. I haven't even eaten the snacks yet. What a life_____
  " Okay Riele, classes are starting soon. I gotta go bye" as I was about going, she stopped me.
  " Hold on Jake. I want to give you one special thing before you go" I was just in a hurry when she said this.
  " Okay hurry up, give it to me" I said hurriedly. I was so dazed at the special thing she gave me. Guess what she gave me? It was a kiss. I felt happy but it seemed awkward because, immediately she gave it to me, she ran away. The same old Riele, she hasn't changed. Bold in front of others, but shy to her friends. I just love her I thought as I went on my way for classes...

2:00 p.m...

   *****.    *****.       *****.    *****.

Classes were finally over and I was on my way out when Ryan met me again.
  "Hey Jake" he greeted
  " Oh hi! Ryan. What's popping?"I asked as we shook ourselves.
  " Good. So how did he go? Have you decided on who to choose?" he asked
   " Uh! I don't know.  I never had such feelings for Riele. I'm scared that if I end up choosing someone else, she might be hurt. We have been good friends but now I'm in a fix. If something goes wrong and we break up,then that's the end" I deliberated as I told him what I felt. She is a true friend afterall____
  " But Jake,apart from Riele, who would you like to be your girlfriend?"he asked curiously. Not long after he asked this question,the person that I truly want to be my girlfriend passed by and it wasn't Riele but her bestie Mae.I don't know why I liked her though____
   " There she is" I pointed in her direction. Ryan looked towards her and I saw that he had a shocky facial expression. But  it was my choice to make____
   "Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! WHAT!!!!" He exclaimed____
   " She's the one?" He asked with a serious form of inquisitivity.
" Yes . What's the matter dude?"I asked feeling surprised.
  " Isn't she Mae, Riele's bestie?" He
  " Yes she is. What's bursting your bubbles?"I started getting angry.
   "It would be wrong if you make her your girlfriend" he suggested but I didn't really understand why he said that.
   " Why and what do you mean? Is there anything wrong with her?" I interrogated him.
   " No I suppose. She is nice, cute, friendly, intelligent. She is actually okay but the truth is if you eventually make her your girlfriend, it might cause problems between Mae and Riele" he gave reasons,facts and figures. I also saw reasons with him about everything. But what's the big deal? We will still be friends____
  " Well you are right but Riele's a nice girl and I'm sure that she wouldn't be angry. She doesn't get jealous of people she's rather a shy type of person" I narrated. But Ryan still didn't look okay with it.
  "Well okay. Would you propose to her?"  he asked me.
   " I guess so. Maybe some other day but not now. I want to focus on my studies" as the both of us walked outside the gate to our various houses.
  " I wonder if what Ryan said would actually turn out to be the truth.  I mean, what if Riele does get jealous" I soliloquized and pondered at the same time.
   " I will just have to reason things out before I take any action"  I arrived at the conclusion as I went on my way home...


   4:30 p.m.

I had already reached the house and finished my homework. That was after I took my bath. I heard a knock on my door I then quickly replied:
   "Come in please"then the person came in and guess who? It was Riele.
   " Hi Jake" the greatest I should entered my room
  " Oh hey Riele. What's up?"I asked as she came in and sat on my bed.
  " Well I'm good" she answered
  " So what are you doing here?" I asked.
  " Am I not welcomed or did I come at the wrong time?" I guess I sounded a little bit rude when I said that to her. I should apologize.
  " No I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that do you need anything or did you come because you were feeling bored?" I asked gently
  " Well mom was going out for some important work so she called your mom and asked if I could come over and she said that it was fine"she explained but I wasn't really in the mood to play so I didn't really have as much fun as I suppose she wanted.  I guess that she may have noticed that I didn't want to play with her. So she came to me and asked me. It's been really long since we talked  though_____
  " Jake did I do anything wrong or have I offended you in any way?" She asked feeling sober I guess
  "Why the question?"I asked her.
  " I have noticed your attitude towards me lately. You neither want to talk to me or pick my calls"she then my hand.
  " What is the matter? Is anything bothering you?" she asked curiously. I'll took in a deep breath and also held her hand too. I wanted to tell her since she felt concerned______
   " Riele, my problem is you" I said.
   " Me!!! What did I do?" she asked. I then stood up and walked a bit.
   " You don't really have time for me anymore. You started avoiding me sort of.  I've been feeling lonely for some time now and you don't even call me I think you don't even want me anymore. Or do you?"I explained with a heavy heart. She then came from my back and tapped me as I turned around____
  " First start by giving me a hug" she requested.  I then gave her a hug she gave me the warmest hug that I ever knew.
   " You are actually angry that I haven't been talking to you but you have a problem with it. Silly boy"as she poked to my head and I laughed.
   " Sorry about that  Jake.I have been doing a science project on chemistry for some time now.  I've not even gotten time for myself so I'm sorry if you're sad about that. I promise that I will always have time for you no matter what"she promised holding her ears.  I finally understood why she was acting that we all along. She was having a project and she didn't deem it fit to tell me_____
   " I'm sorry too I didn't even ask you anything. So which day are you presenting the test?" I asked feeling concerned.
  "The day after tomorrow" she responded
  " Well good luck" I wished her
  " Hey Jake,I want to ask you something that I always wanted to ask you Jake"I wondered what on earth she wants to ask me.
  "So what's it all about?" I asked inquisitively. She held my hands as she told me to sit down.
  " Why are you so possessive about me?" I didn't really understand what you was talking about_____
  " Umm! What do you mean POSSESSIVE?" I asked not understanding what she meant.
  " What I mean you see is that, why do you love being around me and why do you get jealous if you see me getting closer to another guy?"she inquired. I looked at her feeling surprised about the question.
  " No. It's not like that at all. I'm not jealous.  I promise" I just tried to avoid the whole possessive thing.
  " Really! Well,why did you get angry when I didn't have time for you when it was time for my science project?"  She asked me. I was left dazed because actually, she was saying the truth and I really get jealous when she doesn't have time for me.
  " Ummm! No. I wasn't angry or jealous about anything. You were just scarce. That's all. Besides,we can always see each other and I can actually come over to visit. And why do you also care alot about me?" I asked her. She then held my hand.
   " I care because you seem to love me for who I am. You call,text and you also tell me your problems. I have to care and you were my first friend when I entered school " it was quite touching and quite an emotional speech.
   " Thanks Riele for caring " then my mom came and told Riele that her mom had come to pick her up. Too bad she was leaving suddenly____
  " Bye Jake " she said.
  " Bye Riele" I replied as she went through the door
  " Wow! She's very nice. Wouldn't it break her heart if I don't make her my girlfriend. She understands me so well. I don't know what to do..." I soliloquized and lamented at the same time...

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