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Season of love 💓. 14th February well known to be VALENTINE'S DAY. I can finally propose to Riele on this special day. I walked up to Riele. On my way there, I saw a poster of a valentine's party that's going to happen. And it's over here,in the school's hall and everyone's invited, wow!! I guess I'll ask Riele to be my val on this special day. I walked up to Riele feeling excited thinking that she would accept but guess what? All I got was a big blot in my face. It's all happened like this I went to Riele not to propose to her directly but to ask her out on this valentine day as my val. I finally met her. You know girls,love looking at the mirror. She was by her locker area when I came to her.
" Hey Riele" I greeted as she turned around.
" Oh hi Jake. What's popping?"she asked
"Still the way you left me" I replied as we laughed. Everything amuses her.
" Ummm! I actually wanted to ask you" I was feeling shy at the moment.
I didn't know how to propose to her.
" What do you want to ask me Jake? Spill it out. There's no need to be shy" she tried making me tell her.
" Would you be my Val at the valentine's party, please?" I closed my eyes while asking her this.
" Really! I'd love to " I was feeling dazed.
" Why did you say "I'd love to"? Has someone else asked you out?" I asked curiously.
" Yes Miles did. And I agreed. I hope you aren't angry or anything?" She asked with the feeling that I wouldn't get angry but I was angry_____
" Ummm! No. Why would I be angry?" I assured her that I wasn't angry.
" Don't worry. I'll give you something to make up for it. Okay?" She promised though I was angry inside but I didn't want her to know though.
" Okay" I responded nicely. She checked her wristwatch and told me.
" I have to get going. See you at the party Jake" she said leaving the venue.
" You see what I always say. She doesn't have time for me. She's always with someone, working on a science project or doing something else " I soliloquized angrily as I walked to a seat outside and stayed there all alone angrily until someone came and sat down too. I turned my neck to confirm who this person was. Guess who? Mae.
" Hi Jake" she greeted.
" Hey Mae" I responded.
" Well, are you going for the valentine's party?" She inquired.
" Yes I am. How about you?" I asked.
" Well I am but I don't have a val" she's lamented
" Do you have one Jake?" she asked inquisitively.
" No I don't" I actually felt ashamed but I had to tell her the sincere and honest truth
" Really! Isn't Riele coming with you?" she felt surprised
" No, she has plans with Miles already " it just made me get angrier by the second.
" Oh! I guess that we are both in the same condition " I then took advantage of this moment and asked her to be my val.
" Ummm! Mae,by the way,can you be my Val?" I asked her feeling shy but I spoke courageously.
" Really! Okay. I will" she accepted. I felt happy but sad because Riele rejected me. Now I know who I would have as my girlfriend...


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I and Mae(my soon to be girlfriend) went for the valentine's party and I had fun. I was feelin' infuriated when I saw Riele with Miles and I bought something for her anyway. I walked up to Riele to say ''Hi''. I tapped her at her back and she turned around.
" Hey Riele" I waved her.
" Oh hi, Jake" she replied.
" Did you get a Val and I'm looking for Mae" she tried asking.
" Mae is with me. She's my val" she seemed overwhelmed with joy. I wonder why? I thought she'd feel bad or something. Girls usually get jealous. But she's different. Why isn't she jealous?_____
" Really! Where's she? I want to congratulate her" she said with a happy facial expression. She then walked to where Mae was and they chit-chatted for a long, long time.
" Mae, I'm so happy for you. Jake's your val?" She asked her.
" Yes " she answered.
" How did it go? What made this possible?" She asked.
" Well,it started when I didn't have a val..." She narrated the whole story to Riele.
" Oh! So that's what happened. I'm so happy for you bestie" when I heard this, I was so dazed. I mean, isn't she angry. I want to confront her about this. I took her to a private place to talk about it.
" Riele, aren't you angry that your bestie is my val" she looked at me raising up one of her eyebrow and folding her arms even ended up rolling her eyes at me____
" Really, Jake! Why should I be angry? She's my bestie and I meant to be happy for her"she made things clear to me. This is amazing I can't imagine that she's this good____
" I thought that you would be angry because you'd feel that I don't, you know like you anymore"she looked at me feeling surprised. She even busted into laughter_____
" Seriously Jake. Don't be silly young man. All I need from you is a hug" she requested and I hugged her looking around to see if Mae was around so that I could give her a sweet,warm hug_____
" Now are you happy?" I asked.
" I'm not happy at all, I'm EXCITED!!!" She proclaimed as she chuckled in amusement after everything.
" Well I guess you'll be getting more than you hug today" I told her
" What do you mean?" She looked surprisingly as I told her this. I didn't tell her anything, I just lifted her off the ground as though she was a baby and was taking her to a more secluded place_____
" Whoa!!Put me do____" I turned her around and around as we got there____
" Put me down right this instant"she ordered me.
" Okay. If you insist"I dropped her down.
" You think it's funny. What was that for?" she cried and she shouted at me.
" Okay, okay,okay I'm sorry" she dragged my ears and said to me with a bedroom voice____
" You are cheating on my bestie" she whispered and bit her lip_____
" So?? She's not my girlfriend or anything to me"I said with zest.
" Really! What if she eventually becomes your girlfriend Jake?"she asked. I looked at her surprised. It's just as though she understands my emotions and everything. What amazes me the most is that she's not angry_____
" Hey! I was just joking"she convinced me as I snapped out of it.
"Oh yeah.I get it"I said and almost forgot about the gift that I wanted to give her. Before any events comes in the way,I should give it to her_____
" Now let's go to the party. My bestie, I mean your val is waiting for you"she held my hand dragging me to the party as I dragged her back with me. She's always in a rush______
" Hey Riele, wait I want to give you something" I told her thinking she would wait. But she just wanted to be in the party______
" Give me later. Let's go I don't really want to miss anything" she said still dragging me. She's very very unstable_______
" Just be patient. I really need to give this to you " I stopped her from taking me there and dragged her back as she sighed_____
"Okay hurry up. What is it?"she was so impatient looking towards the direction of the party______
" Just calm down and close your eyes"and she wondered what it was. She sighed again I looked at me_______
"Okay. I hope this works"she just silenced her eyes by letting the two lashes come together in unity as I brought out the jewelry box and told her to open your eyes.
"Now you can open your eyes"she opened her eyes and was so happy with what she saw.
"Wow! you bought this for me?"she felt so overwhelmed and she took it from my hand. She opened it and saw a gold earrings, bangles and necklace. I know that she never underestimates any gift______
"Oh Jake!Thanks alot. I love you so much"as she hugged me. I really love seeing Riele happy. She has a way of making little gifts seem priceless____
"It's worth nothing compare to you"I said. Loved it!!
"I'm glad that you love it" I concluded.
"I also have something for you Jake" she told me. I really was surprised.
" I'll go get it" she went into the whole and brought it out.
" You don't really need to close your eyes"she told me
" Really!okay then" she looked sad.
"What I'm about to give you is least special compare to what you gave me. I really hope you'll accept it" she brought out a bandana, black digital wristwatch too,a nice sneaker for me and a black T-shirt with my picture on it_______
" Here you go" I was dazed for everything she brought.
"Wow! you bought all these for me? I love this Riele. Thanks alot"she was surprised though happy.
" Thanks for accepting it Jake" she thanked me.
" No. Thank you. I always wanted this" I hugged and said
" Thanks a lot Riele " I appreciated.
" Welcome" as we both went into the hall where the party took place. She went back to Miles and I went back to Mae. I just like her because she doesn't get jealous at least I enjoyed my day cause Riele was happy...


8:30 a.m.

I was at school with Ryan and Cregon . We were going to the cafeteria by the edge of the school. Sometimes we do stroll and talk,sometimes insult people______
" I really enjoyed the Valentine party last night" Cregon said with happiness.
" Really it was fun last night. Who was your val Jake?"Ryan asked inquisitively
" Mae was my Val" I replied.
" Really what about Riele?" Cregon Asked.
" She had Miles as her val" I replied.
" Wow! "Ryan replied.
" I guess that, I'll make Mae my girlfriend" I said innocently as the two guys looked at me______
" What!"the two guys chorused in harmony.
"What's the problem?"I asked
"Is there anything wrong with Mae? She's good. What's wrong Cregon?"
" It's possible that if you make Mae your girlfriend, Riele may be sad and it can cause problems between the both of them. That's a terrible decision Jake " Cregon suggested as I turned to Ryan
" Ryan, you said before that she's okay so why the change of heart now"
"It isn't wrong to make her your girlfriend. But it would be unfair. Riele has been there for you for a long time now. It isn't right to make Mae your girlfriend Dude. Believe you me. It's wrong"I listened to the two of them. They made sense in their own way_____
"Guys,I know what I am doing. Riele wasn't jealous when I made Mae my val so,she wouldn't be angry if I made Mae my girlfriend" I tried concluding.
"I don't know Jake" Cregon said.
"You sure?"Ryan asked.
" I'm so sure. Now let's go to the cafeteria " as we walked down to the cafeteria...

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