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Great! My results are finally out. I got 5As, 4Bs and 3Cs in all 12 subjects. And it's all thanks to Riele. I've got to give her a call and tell her about this. I picked up my phone,dialled her number and called her.
" Vhoom! Vhoom!" It kept on beeping till she finally got a hold on the phone and picked the call.
" Riele!"
" Oh! Hi Jake" she greeted first.
" Hi Riele. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much" I just appreciated her after being excited.
" Hey, what's up Jake?" She asked inquisitively.
" It's all thanks to you that I passed my exams Riele. I got 5As,4Bs and 3Cs. Thanks a lot"I explained to her feeling so happy.
"Wow! Jake Nice one. I'm so happy for you" she said to me. She sounded happy too.
" How about you Riele? What grades did you get?" I asked feeling curious. I was also guessing her scores would be better than mine but she doesn't boast concerning her grades. She believes we're all good at different things____
" I won't tell you. You'd have to come home and check it out for yourself" she said to me.
" Okay I'll come over and I can't find some of my books. Did I leave them at your house the last time I came over?" I asked.
"I guess so. You can come over for a playdate" she said
" Okay. I'll see you there" as she hung up the phone. I wore my shoes and I got ready to go to Riele's house. I went downstairs to tell Mom.
" Mom, please I really want to go to Riele's house. I left my books there the last time I went over. Can I please go pick them up?" I asked politely as I got the permission.
" Alright you can go" she said
" Here's some money and also give her these sandwiches" she gave me the flask.
" I made it for the both of you" she said. It made it even better so I carried my bag and was off...

****. ****. ****. ****.

I arrived at Riele's house and knocked on the door. And her mother opened and I greeted her____
" Good afternoon Aunt" I greeted her.
" Good afternoon Jake. Come in" she said as I walked into the house.
"I guess you came for Riele right?" She asked.
"Yes Aunt. She invited me over"I explained
" Okay let me call her. Riele! Riele!!" She exclaimed
" Coming mum" and she came down the stairs. She got downstairs and said____
" Hi Jake" she greeted with a smiley face.
" Hi Riele" I responded back.
"Okay, let me leave you two alone"her mom said as she walked out of the living room
"I'm so glad you made it"she said gladly.
"Yes, now can I get my books and see your results?"I requested
"Let's go to my room" as we both climbed up the stairs and went to her room. Her room is so big and she has alot of toys and a nice comfy bed too. She comes from a rich family. At least I know her mom is a business tycoon____
" Here are the books" she gave them to me.
" Thanks and your grades " as she showed me the result sheet and I was so shocked. She got 6As and 6BS. No C at all.
" Wow Riele! A nice result" I commented.
"Thanks Jake, now what game should we play? Cards, tennis, hide and seek.."she told me all sorts of games we could play bringing them all out in front of me what______
"Well ,I guess we should play the game of cards"I suggested
"Great idea Jake" she said as she brought out the box of cards for us to play. I almost forgot to give her the sandwiches that mom said I should share with her.
" Ummm! Riele, before I forget" I brought out the sandwiches.
"My mom gave me the sandwiches for the both of us to share"there were four sandwiches in there and Riele was so happy and she took two and was so grateful.
" Wow! So nice. Tell your mom that I said thanks" she said as she took a bite of the sandwich.
"It's so delicious. Your mom is a great Cook"she commented
" Thanks Riele. Now let's go back to our game"I brought her back to the direction of the game.
" Oh right!!" She said that we continue the game...

8:30 p.m...

*****. *****. *****.

The game became more interesting when Riele's mom brought some snacks for us and it seemed as though she was an expert in the game. Then suddenly we heard a knock on the door and Riele said___
"Come in please"she responded to the knock on the door. Then her mom opened the door and talk to me:
"Jake, your mom just called me and told me that I should drop you over at your house. So round off your game and let's go over to Jakes house Riele" she told the both of us as we also rounded up the cards and she helped me pack my bag and I followed Riele's mom in the car as we droved down to my house. The trip was quite an interesting one. Especially as I and Riele were talking right there in the car on her way to my house.I asked her a question that may be heartbreaking:
" Riele, please don't be sad but why is it that I have never seen your dad ever since I have come to your house?"I asked inquisitively.
"Well the truth is that my dad leaves in Cincinnati and does his work there. But he comes to see you sometimes though"she explained to me and I also saw reasons with her.
" Okay. I guess that I thought something else"I said as we arrived at my house and my mom was standing at the door waiting for me.
" Guess we're here Jake "
" Okay Riele bye. Thanks aunt"I greeted both Riele and her mom as I stepped out of the car and went to my mom. She waved at me______
" Goodbye Jake. See you at school" she said.
" Goodbye Mrs. Byrd"
" Thanks Mrs. Savil" my mum thanked Riele's mum.
" You are welcome. Bye " as they both drove off to their house while I and mum entered my house.
" So how was your day at Riele's house?" My mum asked me as we walked into the living room.
" It was nice though. We had fun,we played games,her mum gave us cupcakes and I actually really enjoyed my stay there" I commented to my mum.
" Wow! But what relationship do you and Riele share? The both of you are so close" she asked curiously.
" We are just friends. Nothing more and nothing less" I explained.
" Really, okay that's nice. Now go and freshen up, come downstairs and have your dinner" she said.
" Okay mum" I said as I climbed upstairs to my room to have a bath...


Finally, my 8th grade classes had started and I'm done with 7th grade. I'm so glad that my classes are starting today. I saw Riele coming along with two other of her friends:
" Oh hey Jake" she greeted me as she passed by.
" Hi Riele " I responded .
" Jake, these are my friends,Mae and Pauleen. Pauleen and Mae, this is my friend Jake" she briefly introduced us to each other.The two girls actually looked nice and lovely though.
" Okay Jake. We're off to class. See you later" she waved me goodbye.
" Okay Riele, bye" as she and her friends walked passed me to their classroom. I was still by my locker side till the bell rung and I rushed for history class...


****... ****... ****... ****...

Classes were over and on my way out, I came across some guys who looked bigger than I was. I tried getting passed them but they always found a way to prank me. I think they are "bullies". But to my utmost surprise, Riele saw me and came to the rescue.
" Hey, you guys,why are you there bullying him?" She confronted them boldly. Then one of them said to her.
" Hey you girl, you just better mind your business and move out from the way" he said pushing her out from the way. But she still came back.
" You better don't do anything to him or else" she said.
"Or else what?"the same boy asked her she kept quiet
"You are going to cry like a dog"as the three boys laughed and give themselves a high five and kind of made Riele more furious.
"No use three leave him alone or I will report you to the school admin and you get expelled"she threatened them. I guess that they felt the impact this time.
"Well sorry,we were just playing and never meant any harm. Sorry Jake "jelly that said that they all walked away. It was so amazing like she fearlessly confronted them. Immediately Riele walked away,she seemed shy. But I wondered why besides we are friends. She was meant to have been shy in front of them not me____
" Hey Riele, wait up" I ran towards her direction as she also turned around with that usual smile on her face______
" Why did you just walk away like that? What's the matter?" I asked her feeling concerned. She didn't really give me an answer because she noticed that I had a bruise on my face.
"Jake look at your face? Let's go to my house"as she took me to her house to heal the bruise...


She brought out a first aid box and healed my bruises.
" Sorry. Those guys were real bullies"she said to me feeling pity
"Hey! Thanks for your help back there"I appreciated.
" I didn't really expect that"I commented.
" It was brave of you"I further more commented I could see her blushing.
" It was nothing. What are friends for? I have good news" she gave me an information.
" Well, what is it?"I asked curiously
" I wrote a test on chemistry today and guess what... I got an A"I was so happy to hear that to the extent that I jacked her off the ground and turned her around and around. As she kept on laughing and laughing though I knew she didn't like it_______
"Jake stop, you know that I don't like... Woo!" She said laughing as I slowly brought her down____
" I'm so happy for you Riele" I said hugging her.
" Thank you for your care Jake now you have to go home " she advised as I checked my wristwatch.
" Okay. Byebye" as I exited the room. I'm so glad to have as a friend...

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