amnesia - the 4s hell hotel? (part 1)

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This is parts because I'm not writing ANOTHER book just for this(unless I get motivation and stuff like that idk)

Self harm
Strong language
Suicide mentions



I woke up after maybe something happened, I could only remember my name, wait...did I?

What was my name.... Lightbulb?

I tried to get up from my bed but then noticed pills, wrappers, clothes, drinks, and glass everywhere...what happened?

There was another pill bottle on the stand next to the bed, I picked them up when it looked like something lethal if I took to much...i noticed many of the pills gone

I avoided everything on the floor and made it out the room, the hallway was orange with red carpet, it felt so familiar to me...but what?

I noticed a tall more bigger person looking around the hallway, he wore a hat and an oversized jacket

"Hey! Do you know where this is or what this is?"

He looked at me, walking towards me and shook his head...again he felt so familiar to me

Like we were something important together, I spoke to him again
"W-whats your name?"


"Uhh...lightbulb, I think"

After a pause, two other people came out from the same room
"Do you know where we are? Sorry for asking...I don't mean to bother you guys"

"We don't know either, did you guys just wake up to?"

The guy across from me and baseball had more spiky and jagged hair, he wore more black clothing and his voice was raspy and low...the girl looked younger then me and she wore baggier pants and also an oversized red Jacket, despite her clothes all being brown like her pants and shirt, her voice had an accent and also manly

Baseball asked for names, the guy was knife and the girl was suitcase

"What is this place?"

Me and baseball looked at eachother, I was nervous before speaking about anything, but I did
"We don't know...maybe we can look for something around this building to see if we can figure out what happened"

I started speaking, I looked at my arms from the inside of my sweater, seeing many scars on my entire arm
"Did anyone wake up with scars

Like on your arms or thighs, i-i just now noticed some bruises and cuts on all parts of my arms, it hurts to move them but I don't know how they happened"

They all started looking at the arms, I saw a little red mark going across suitcases neck
"What's that?"


"You have a little red line going across your neck"

She felt the place I was pointing at, she felt the bump going across near her neck, like it was on her collar bone, knife spoke...maybe knowing about it?

"That looks like a wound from something sharp, remember anything before?"

"No...does it look self inflicted?"

"Maybe, we don't know if anyone else is here"

"Should we try and look through the rooms we were in for clues?" Baseball pointed towards the rooms we came out from, knife and suitcase nodded their heads, I went forwarded to start with my room

"We can check my room first"

They all nodded in giving an okay, I opened the door I came out from..i got to see the mess and wounds every where in the a dumpster

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