And Us

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The only thing here is just
Trophcase (trophy x suitcase)

And yeah :]



I actually can't believe I caught feelings FOR TROPHY, even though I thought I had those feelings for and trophy talked the whole time on the plane before it crashed, first he sat in the seats in front of me, I was alone in my row and he sat with soap

We started talking and then he went to sit next to me, I felt liked that someone wanted to talk to me

We still kept in touch just not that much, but now I can't really see him anymore due to the rules of the remaining contestants having to stay on contestant grounds

But I actually wanted to see him again

I was on call with balloon from in the hotel, I was still outside but all I could think about was just seeing someone who talked with me ever since day one

"I have to go"

He looked surprised but understood and hanged up

I got up and maked sure no one would see me, it was night time so maybe no one was out

I opened the doors, usually OJ didn't keep the doors unlocked, maybe he forgot

I went up the stairs, I knew where his room was, and I went there

It took so long for me to gain the courage to knock on the door, finally I did it and waited for a minute

He opened the door and looked surprised, like he expected everyone else but me

But he looked excited and hugged me, I knew he wasn't all that mean....even with what happened he was friendly to me

"I've missed you"

I nodded and I hugged back

We only hugged for a bit..when he kissed me

It was for a minute then it broke

We were both surprised, we just stood there for a second, but we liked being with eachother once again


This was rushed bc I'm in class and I got bored

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