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Warning This uhh has
Implied nickloon



once me and suitcase saw the boat come in, we knew nickel and balloon would come to us and just be all over us

Me and suitcase were obviously better but we didn't know how to handle something like this

But there that boat was, it stopped and everyone started to get off. Suitcase hugged my arm tightly, I could tell she was nervous about seeing balloon again after realizing some stuff...she didn't really know balloon and she admitted to me that she didn't know why she helped him, knowing he wouldn't do something so special in return

She was still debating on the whole thing though, she wasn't sure what to think of balloon

We saw them, they noticed us and were now walking towards us, suitcase held tighter on my arm, but she looked confused
"Are..are they holding hands?"

We didn't know what happened wherever they were, but it was confusing and concerning how they close....very close

"Hi baseball and suitcase!!"
balloon looked happy, but nickel looked up at him...was he blushing?

Suitcase tugged at my arm, to get be back into reality I didn't realize they were talking to us

" you've two been! It's been a while!"
I saw balloon look at us weirdly, I guess suitcase was leaning on me once balloon said something to her without speaking

"It's been fine balloon, but I have a question for both of you"
I knew by saying this im already going to push passed everything and get towards more sensitive grounds

But I continued speaking
"What happened when you two were going somewhere...why are you two, holding hands?"

Nickel and balloon smiled at eachother, balloon was already starting to speak, suitcase tugged at my arm again..she was obviously nervous

"Well uhh...since it's been three years we've been getting used to eachother and nickel has apologized...and since then I guess we've"

My eyes widened, they were dating? I looked over at suitcase and she had the same expression, we both calmed down, but we saw the two of them nervous, nickel started talking, it's been so long since I've heard his voice

"Yeah...big news"

Then we heard OJ call the season 3 contestants over, balloon and nickel said goodbye to us, once they left suitcase hugged me tightly, she was heavily confused

"I don't understand...they just became friends and then started dating?"

She explained to me how could they have understood eachother so quickly when her and me tried so hard to get them to get along in season two

I understood her, it was so confusing but we were just left with us, they seemed so happy with eachother...

We both sat down and hugged for a bit, when we saw lightbulb walk back with knife, he explained how lightbulb had a similar situation, but with someone else and a whole family and friendship thingy, none of us, even lightbulb understood but she was crying

Me and suitcase were talking with lightbulb and knife, she had calmed down but still sad

The four of us saw nickel and balloon come back, it was night already...everyone still outside but right now suitcase had fallen asleep

"Are they dating, I heard they are"

"Yes, lightbulb they's confusing me on how but maybe they'll give me a whole story because when they were explaining it me and suitcase were both shocked and confused"

Knife and lightbulb nodded their heads, when balloon and nickel were now standing right in front of us knife asked me if him and lightbulb could leave since this wasn't their business

I nodded and lightbulb and him left, balloon saw suitcase sleeping and went towards her, still holding nickels hand

"Don't bother her balloon...she actually hasn't gotten sleep in a while"

"Oh! sorry baseball!"

Nickel and him sat down, talking about what happened and mentioning how some person who runned a cereal company made a toy robot thingand one of them was suitcase? Nickel described the person as it sounded oddly familiar to someone suitcase had described to me

I got bored of the whole thing, they were just talking about them selves, I was sick of it
"Can we continue this tomorrow?!"

They stopped and then nodded, even though I'm pretty sure they noticed my anger, I picked up suitcase into my arms and started to carry her back to her room

i knew that they knew I was mad at them, which is why I was being protective over suitcase but I knew how she felt about the situation..she told me she was annoyed with balloon and so I left nickel and balloon outside

I sighed and went to the elevator


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