the confession

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Lucifer blushed as he took his hands away but alastor pulled his hands back not wanting to let go the king was surprised he just shrug it off and they both sat down on the couch and silent between them both they didn't even look at each other but still holding hands the silent was cut off by charlie calling everyone. And both of them followed the voice still not letting go of each other's hands they got there "alright everybody we are all going to have a celebration because alot of you have been good and for both of my dads upcoming wedding"she said exitedly

Lucifer blush and looks away and alastor notice it and grabs lucifers chin and saw Lucifer was blushing alot almost like a tomato"why so flustered my future husband"alastor said flirting with Lucifer"ok you two stop flirting"husk said rolling his eyes "stop being bitter husky"angel said behind husk

After charlie announced the celebration they all need to dressed nicely
They all go to there own room and change into some dress and suits

After charlie announced the celebration they all need to dressed nicelyThey all go to there own room and change into some dress and suits

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Lucifers suit

Alastors suit

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Alastors suit

After they all finished dressing up
Alastor saw Lucifer and teleports to Lucifers side and holds him by the waist and Lucifer flinched he then look who it was it was alastor smirking at the king while holding him by the waist

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