the other dad

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Lucifer glared at alastor"laughing huh ?"Lucifer said"Im sorry darling~"alastor said Lucifer rolled his eyes and goes out of the bathroom and alastor followed him "so who did you have fun last night short king"angel said "shut up"Lucifer said while going to the couch and sitting down so did alastor "why do you keep following me al"Lucifer said looking at alastor"because i don't want you to tell what happened last night"alastor said "just don't do it again"Lucifer said alastor nodded "can you not follow me now?"Lucifer said"maybe a week"alastor said"wtf"Lucifer said Charlie then clap her hands to get everyones attention "today for our bonding activity whe are all going to go outside and have alot of fun but no killing "Charlie said in her chearful voice"oh btw alastor and dad can you two pls stay because no one will be protecting the hotel"Charlie said"ok dear" said alastor.

When the others left  both of alastor and Lucifer stayed"im going to my room al"said Lucifer"ok darling~"said alastor "and stop calling me darling plss im not your husband"Lucifer said and he then goes to his room meanwhile alastor stayed in the lobby thinking about wha Lucifer said he then realized he was blushing he then shook it of his head then he sits on the couch

Meanwhile with Lucifer was in his room sleeping peacefully while cuddling with his duck plush the king was tired because of earlier he didn't get enough sleep someone then knocks on his door"come in the door is open" Lucifer said while still half asleep alastor then opens the door and saw the king sleeping peacefully he then walks to the kings bed and sat down he then look at the king he put his hand on the kings hair brushing it the king then flinched and alastor pulled his hand away and Lucifer thought alastor was a pillow so he hug him and falling asleep alastor was surprised  and hugs back to falling asleep.

Suddenly someone walks into them it was charlie  shock and surprised.

You have to wait until the nex part hehe

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