jealous radio demon

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"i need to be somewhere my dear friend"alastor said in jealousy "sure go ahead"rosie said and alastor walked up to them and grabs lucifers hand and they both teleports into alastors room "uhm whats going on?"Lucifer said suddenly alastor pinned him on the bed and bites his neck"al!"Lucifer said"yes my darling?~" alastor said in a sudductively way "dont do it al pls" Lucifer said"oh darling i just want to kiss you thats all~"alastor said"pls stop it"Lucifer said "fine~"alastor said getting off him "happy?"alastor said looking kinda mad"why you looking at me like that?"Lucifer ask confused"nothing lets go back"alastor said looking away  they both go back at the lobby while alastor Was holding Lucifers hand

Then they saw someone familiar it was lilith she then came up to them and saw both of them holding hands
" Luci dear what is going on" lilith said "lilith where have you been this 7years!?"Lucifer said shock"ANSWER me Lucifer!"lilith said looking furious
"His my bf now lilith"Lucifer told lilith looking away"oh wow your leaving me now luci?"lilith said "you already left me and Charlie hiw even dare you to show your face after leaving us!"Lucifer said to lilith furiously lilith just rolls her eyes and leaves the hotel

After that drama

"Are you alright darling?"alastor ask Lucifer"yeah im fine i uhm just need to go to my room"Lucifer said looking sad?

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