i wanna be your bf

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"can you get your hands off me pls"Lucifer said"why darling?~"alastor said. The king just rolled his eyes while blushing and continue talking with husk and angel alastor then suddenly alastor kiss him on the lips"al!"the king of hell said blushing alot while hiding it with his hands"I'll be back darling~"the radio demon said then teleported somewhere else"speechless huh?"angel said smirking"I'm g going to the bathroom for a minute"the king said and goes to the bathroom still blushing he then washed his face but his still hot i mean still blushing he then goes out meanwhile alastor was waiting for him smiling like he usually do
The celebration started and the guest dance while Lucifer himself was sitting on the bar and a girl came up to him the girl bow to Lucifer"oh dont need to bow maam"Lucifer said"it will because your our ruler your majesty"the girl said "can we dance your majesty?"the girl ask "sure"Lucifer said getting up and danced with the girl alastor was talking with rosie and saw Lucifer dancing with the girl and alastor feels jealous

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