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"I told you not to step into my life ever again!" Rocky Johnson yelled at the top of his lungs. His fierce eyes piercing sharp into Emily's eyes. 

"I... I had to, Rocky. I didn't have a choice" Emily said, her voice was shaky, startled by the tone of the man whom she once loved. 

"I said years ago, we are over, Emily! We were over, years ago. I told you I didn't want anything to do with you or this thing right here" Rocky said, pointing at the 3-year-old little Darcy who was shivering in fear, clutching tight onto Emily's skirt.

"She has a name, Rocky. And her name is Darcy" Emily said, uneasy with the way Rocky just described their daughter, as if she didn't have any feelings. 

"And what do you and Darcy have business back in my life again?" Rocky asked in sarcasm. 

Emily's eyes met Ata Johnson, Rocky's new wife, then back to Rocky. Never in her life did Emily think this day would come after her affair with Rocky ended 4 years ago. But here she is.

"I need you to take care of Darcy" Emily stuttered through her words, her heart was heavy as it could ever be. If only she could turn back time, she would change everything she has done in the past given that it could grant her more time with her daughter. But everything was too late.

"What?" Rocky asked, his face in disbelief. "Emily, I told you-"

"I'm dying, Rocky!" Emily screamed, making her point clear.

Everyone there stared at her in shock. Including 6-year-old little Dwayne Johnson, Rocky and Ata's son. 

Emily held Darcy's hand tight, looking at her eyes that met hers, full of confusion. Probably not understanding what they were all talking about. 

"I've only a week left" Emily said, her face all red from controlling her welled up eyes from tearing.

Ata gasped, looking at Rocky, then to Emily, then to little Darcy who never let go of her mother's skirt ever since they first entered to her household. She was well aware of Rocky and Emily's affair 4 years ago even after Ata and Rocky were three years into their relationship. Dwayne was only 2 years old when Ata found out about Rocky and Emily's affair. But Rocky assured that it was nothing more than just a fling and that he ended things with her. But never has once Rocky mentioned about Darcy. 

Ata immediately felt pity for the younger woman in front of her. As a mother, she understood what Emily was going through. Although she has never forgiven Emily and Rocky for cheating, right now, all she could see was a mother who just wants her daughter's future to be reassured. She looked at Darcy who was a spitting image of her mother with pale skin, a cute button nose and thin lips. Only her curly hair and her brown eyes were like Rocky's. 

Rocky stared at her. He didn't know what to feel. He knows he's the reason she was in this state. He knows he was the reason she is facing the health complications that she going through right now. Part of him feels guilty for her condition. Another part of him was thinking of his current situation right now, his career, his fame, his new wife, his new life. 

"You are all she has left" Emily said. "She has no one else to protect her after I'm gone" 

"Please" Emily pleaded when they all remained silent. 

Dwayne got off the couch, walking towards Emily and Darcy. Emily plastered a smile even though tears were wetting her cheeks. Dwayne looked at Emily, then to Darcy who was looking at him with her wide brown eyes that were the exact same as his. It was like he was looking into a mirror. He gave a wide smile to which Darcy hesitated a moment but eventually returned a smile.

He held his hand out, Darcy looked over at her mom, then to Dwayne, putting her tiny little hand in his, the other hand still clutching onto Emily's skirt.

"I will protect you" Dwayne said, holding Darcy's hand firm in his.

Darcy smiled, feeling safe in his touch.


Author's note:

It's a little glimpse of Darcy's past. Hope y'all like it. Don't forget to read my story, Ayla, if you're new here. If you're my usual reader, stay tuned. Things are about to get real. 

Signing out,


(Date : 09/04/2024)

(Word count: 738)

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