Chapter 3 - My name is Darcy Dawn

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Darcy looked at the mirror, disgusted as she looked at herself. Her skin was barely covered, revealing her well-toned thighs and a little too much of cleavage could be seen from how tight those leathered bra was holding her bosoms. The chain dangling on her waist and the spiked choker necklace that had another long chain hooked from the crook of her neck to her waist made her look like a dog on a leash. The puppy ears hairband that sat on her head confirmed her look. Her cat-like extravagant make up with striking colors and extremely red cheeks with black lines like whiskers made her look like a low budget hoe. She could hardly recognize herself. 

It was her new gimmick given by Eric Bischoff. She is to play as a hoe that acts like a dog and kneels down for the wrestlers, named Chica Cachorro, which literally means puppy girl. It didn't make any sense since she looks like a cat, but has a dog leash and her name was a puppy. But she couldn't care less about that logic. 

It has only been a month since she was signed. Ted retired a few days after her first day at Florida. He wasn't supposed to step down but the financial crisis and the change that WCW needs was crucial, so he had no other choice than to retire months earlier. Of course, Darcy and a lot others were heartbroken. Everyone loved Ted. Although their meeting period was short, Darcy really did respect Ted for the way he believed in her and the way he wanted to make her a star. 

But little did she know, the turn of events had changed her life completely. 

Bischoff was appointed as soon as Ted stepped down and he gathered a meeting with every superstar as soon as they arrived here in Memphis, Tennessee. He had scrapped most of the ideas and changed a lot of things, maybe except for the main event stars and important storylines that were making loads of money for the WCW. Unfortunately, Darcy's script and gimmick was scrapped off too. She went from supposed to be a strong and fighter woman with a badass and savage attitude that would confront one of the top stars to a hoe-dog that kneels down for all the men. She would go out every week, giving the stars either a lap dance or any lewd things that they told her to do. 

She couldn't say no either. It was her first week to the job at that point and she didn't have the authority to say no. Unless she want's to loose her job after only one week of being signed. She didn't really have a choice. She did try to speak with Dusty Rhodes to help change a little but even Dusty has no control of the creative. It was take it or leave it for Darcy. She couldn't let go of this job either, the dream job that she's worked her ass off for years. The job that her brothers, The Harts has worked really hard to get her in. The job that would, in her hopes, finally get her father's approval. 

"My, my, my!" A voice behind her startled her as she turned around to find Hunter walking into the locker room, dressed up in his ring gear. He wore purple curtain-like gown that only covered up to his thighs and matching wrestling boots, his long hair was blown dry.  "What do we have here?"

"I look stupid" Darcy sighed, turning to look at the mirror again.

"Woof woof woof" Hunter woofed, with a wide smirk. "In case you don't understand, that's dog language for nice legs" 

Darcy rolled her eyes. "You're not helping"

"Well, at least you look better than me" Hunter said.

Darcy turned around swiftly, slightly startling Hunter. "I have a fucking leash!" Darcy held her chain that hung from her neck, her eyes were red from how much she was controlling her emotions.

Hunter laughed at her reaction. He found her angry face too adorable as her face was a total babyface and anger suits her none. 

"Aww, who's a good puppy?" Hunter ruffled her hair, pouring oil into burning fire. 

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